61: reunion

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It wasn't long before the vampires showed up. Will leading the way with an adorable George in his hands. Charlie was directing the soldiers, and I guess Delilah was at home. My father came and stood by my side.

"I had a discussion with the whole pack. They're gonna stay relatively out of the way of these vampires, whatever you need, talk to me first." He demanded. I gave a strong, confident nod, and he went on his way. Victor walked up beside me, his face in awe at how well directed the vampires are.

"They're not arguing or fighting at all. They just listen." He says admiring them.

"Pretty cool, right? And they're trained to fight wolves. It is one of the most powerful covans in the area." I informed watching as they got closer.

"That guy with the little in his arms, that's your husband, isn't he?" He nudges me.

"Not husband, but they're both my partners, yes." He hummed and walked away. I rolled my eyes and began walking towards the large army.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Will, my dads really stubborn." I smile. I could see George fighting to get out of Wills hands, and he succeeded and ran to me, nearly knocking me over.

"I missed you so much!!" He yelled, burying his face into my chest. I felt content and happy that we were all back together again. I missed them more than I thought I would. I lace my fingers in Georges hair, placing a kiss on top of his head. Will walked up to me with such confidence and poise, almost as if he had no worries. Almost as if all his anxiety had disappeared, he was almost a spitting image of his father. The business in his eyes, you couldn't miss it. And then it melted. He gave an expression of relief and happiness. He instantly embraced me, nuzzling his head in my neck, causing me to laugh.

"I missed you too, guys. So much." I could feel both their tears seep through my clothing. They really did miss me. Words could never explain how whole I felt with the two of them back by my side.

"Are you taking them both as your mates?" One little, Ezra asked. I'd known him my whole life. He's had a crush on me since middle school, I would always reject him, but he'd keep trying. He knew there was no chance. We grew apart pretty fast in high school. I had my  "soon to be alpha" lessons with my brother most days, and I was too focused on doing well. I assumed he lost feelings.  Both Will and George looked up at the boy. His bright orange died, hair blowing over his face.

"Who are you?" George asked Venom and hated slipping out of his tone. He was glaring at him. I could sense a small fight about to happen. Two moody littles. George was a wonder, and I loved him, I knew he got mad quite easily. Some of his arguments with Delilah get heated sometimes, and I was well acquainted with the lead up. He glares and has a small attitude.

'Ezra, Josh's friend from middle school. I assume you're George." Ezra had a similar lead up. The difference is that George will throw hands if it gets too much. George hummed, confirming his statement. "You're lucky, yknow." Ezra looked away. The tension immediately dropped from his side. George was still burning holes into the kids face with a sharp glare.

"What do you mean?" George wouldn't back down from his small stare off, even though he won.

"I've been trying to get with Josh for years. If only I knew all I had to do was scream in a tent for him to fall for me, and I would have done it sooner." Ezra joined in with the glaring. Noted, keep these two away from each other. To mine and Will's shock, George laughed.

"Yeah, I don't know what was so alluring to me screaming, Josh is weird." Ezra joined in laughing. They were about to tare each others throats out, and now they're laughing about me, and I'm the weird one? Yeah, sure. "I like you, let's be friends." George put his hand out for a hand shake, and Ezra accepted.

"Ezra!" My father walked around the corner. "To your quarters." Ezra gave a quick nod and ran off, giving us a little wave. Seeing my father, Will stood straight. Back with that business, feel about him.

"Can I trust that no one from your pack will backstab my kind." He near sounded like his father too. The confident businessman just runs in their genes, I guess.

"They won't."

"If one of my kind die from your pack, we are retreating.  Our help will not be provided, and you will lose. It's as simple as that. Charlie." He called, and Charlie walked up beside him, stone faced. I'd never seen him like this, I never took him for the kind to lead an army.
"Any plans you have, you tell him. He will inform the rest of my army, and they will follow. I trust this man with my life. He's good at what he does and is very experienced in this field."

"I'll keep that in mind. For today, we will get your army settled in before making any plans. My men are keeping the rouges back for now. I thank you for your help in this war. I never expected it to go this long. Nor did I ever think I would get the help of vampires to win." It seemed my father's pride was slightly damaged from the need for help. He acted like it didn't bother him, but I know it does. He has never asked for help a day in his life. I was proud he could get over it and accept my offer. I watched as the army was led away by Charlie and my father to their quarters, leaving Will George and I.

"So you weren't just with the littles this whole time?" Will asks, turning to me. I bit the inside of my cheek. George turned to me wide-eyed, a small frown placed on his lips.

"I'm sorry I lied to yous. I didn't want you to worry. I knew I was going to be okay, father wouldn't allow me to die, I knew I was safe, so I lied to keep you from freaking out." He gave a small sigh. Georges frown turned to a pout.

"I understand, but I would have preferred you telling us that when it happened. Even if we freaked out, what if you actually get get hurt? Or worse." George had tears in his eyes, I could tell he slipped. Understandably so. A new environment and his two daddies having a very grown-up talk, being back with me, and now currently in the middle of a wolf war. It had to be stressful on him.

"I don't think now I'd the right time to talk about this." I gesture to George, bringing him in for a hug. Will gave a nod, dropping the subject. I knew it was bugging him, and I would talk about it to him later. I show them both to my room where they got comfortable.

"Are you wearing my jumpers?" I asked, noticing the familiar pattern and the fact it was way oversized on George. It was oversized on me. Of course, it would be oversized on the two of them. A blush speed across the twos cheeks. I chuckle at them.

"We missed you." George says, sitting cross-legged on the bed. I heard a knock on the door. I turn around and open it. We were at the pack house right now.we had been pushed back so far that the ability to be here and on the battlefield was possible. I open the door, seeing Victor at the door.

"They're so well trained it's insane. What do they do to get them to listen?!" I heard will chuckle from behind me. I move to the side, exposing Victor to the two.

"Will, George, this is my brother Victor,  Victor. These are my  partners' will and George." Will stood forward, putting out his hand for a hand shake, Victor takes it.

"Nice to meet you, Josh talks a lot about you." He lied, I mentioned him once after finding out Will has a sister.

"Nice to meet you too." Victor was bashful. Not used to getting exposed for caring.

"I'll get you in touch with Charlie. He plays a part in training them." Victor nodded and left. I burst out laughing, ending up doubled over on the floor.

"Wha happen?" George asks, getting off the bed and over to Will. They were both watching as I was trying to catch my breath.

"I might just be tired, but, oh my moon! His face!!!" I take a second and calm down. "He hates vampires and complimenting them. You don't get it his face was priceless when he saw you. He never compliments ANYONE!" I laugh again.

"I tink Dada needs nap." George speaks up, holding my arm to help me up. He and Will lead me to the bed tucking me in lying on either side of me. I missed them.

"I love you guys. So, so, so much." They responded with an "I love you too" before I fell asleep. I really do love them.

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