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In this book the upside down and Vecna stuff don't exist in this story just to preface.

Steves Pov:

I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ears. I flip over in bed and I sit up. Instinctively I rub the sleep out of my eyes preparing myself for another boring day at work. I hop into a warm shower and do my hair to perfection, I grab my yellow sweater and a pair of jeans and throw them on shove breakfast in my mouth and hop in my car to pick up Robin.

I arrive at Robins house on time and honk my horn not wanting her parents to question why there is a boy standing outside their door. I am the only one who knows that Rob is a lesbian. My thoughts are interrupted by an excited Robin practically flying into my car. 'Hey Rob, why so excited?'. "Vickie said she is stopping by work today and I have decided I'm going to ask her out!" "Whoa that is great! I wish girls would come into the store for me" I say with a sigh. Robin shakes her head "Dude you have had no luck with women lately, at this point try men" Robin says sarcastically with a chuckle. Something about that sentence made my stomach feel weird. I have liked men in the past but I have never told anyone. I thought it was a phase.

Back in freshman year I had a crush on Tommy H. But I swore to myself I would never be what my dad called gay people because he would disown me and I cant ruin the Harrington name. My dad always said Harrington's don't cry, Harrington's are not gay. That sentence played in my head a lot that year. My thing with Tommy abruptly stopped when he started calling girls whores. That was when I came to and saw he was not a nice person and I haven't hung out with him since.

I had only ever had feelings for a guy one other time I was eating lunch in the cafeteria and found myself staring at a boy I have never seen before he had short blonde hair and blue eyes. That lasted for a couple days until I saw him swapping spit with a girl in the hall and that did it for me I told myself only girls I can't keep feeling this sadness. That was the last time I had ever felt anything for a guy, until today.

Before I knew it I had driven Robin and I to work. We walked inside and Robin was ranting about this girl in a movie who according to her was 'Ba ba ba ba bonkers hot!'. We sat around chatting I rearranged some movies and stocked some new ones that had been delivered. "Working at the family video is very exhilarating" I sighed obviously saying that with sarcastic intent. "uh huh" was all I got from an obviously very bored robin. I finished up my task and came and sat at the front with robin then I heard the bell ding signifying someone had entered. We both looked up to see Vickie standing there with a grin on her face. "Hi Rob" Vickie said. "Hey Vick I was wondering when you would show up!" I let out a chuckle. Vickie was shuffling her feet nervously and Robin noticed 'for once in her life'. "Vickie, are you okay?" Robin asks. "yeah I just wanted to ask if um.. maybe you would want to... I don't know, go to lunch with me." I watched as Robin's face lit up. "I was gonna ask you the same thing!" Robin squealed.

No ones POV:

Vickie was shocked and extremely happy she went to hug Robin but Robin kissed her instead. It was like a million fireworks were going off in her head. Robin felt the same way Vickie could tell by the smile on her face. Thank you was all Vickie managed to say before Rob pulled her into a real hug. They were both so happy Steve could tell

Steve's POV:

I was shocked by what I had just witnessed robin and Vickie kissed. I cheered "Woo hoooo go love birds!". Robin playfully slapped my arm. I say "so are you guys like a thing orrr?" Robin looked at Vickie and said "I would love that if you are in the same boat". Vickie let out an, "of course!" before grabbing Robin's hand and dragging her out of the store. "Hey guys Rob and I still have work for two hours!" I screaming Robin responded with "If you love me you'll let me". I obviously loved robin so I let out an exasperated sigh followed by "be back by 9" "Okay Mom" Robin said. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

About an hour later I was reading a magazine and I heard the bell I assumed it was Robin, when I looked up I saw a man with long brown curly hair with a fringe and beautiful brown eyes to match. Beautiful? did I just think that no not again Steve. He approached me and he asked where the horror movie section was I pointed him in that direction trying to distract him from the obvious blush across my face. He came back minutes later and I noticed he was looking at me weird. "Steve Harrington, right" the intimidating man said. "Yes?" I asked "how do you know my name". "Who does not know king Steve. The amount of things running through my brain made me remember who it was I was talking too. "Eddie?" "yep" was his response. "Munson?" I say just as confused. "Yep thats me Eddie the freak Munson". He was in my AP English class two years prior. "Oh yeah dude we had English together". "Now pretty boy Steve remembers me". Pretty boy? Oh my god chandler bing (A/N I know way after their time, don't come for me) does he really mean that I think to myself. I just chuckle in response.

"You seem nice Steve, wanna hang out some time?" "Sure sounds fun man" Eddie paid for the tapes and handed me a paper with his number on it. He winked and said "Call me". I laughed trying to hide my nervousness. As the door shut I did not know either to panic or be happy. I have not felt like this for a guy in a long time.

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