Lots Of Weed

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Steve's POV: 

I awoke to Robin shaking me awake with a smile plastered on her face. "What the fuck do you want Rob?". "Your boyfriend made breakfast!" I smile as butterflies flow through my system at this new found love. I sit up and stare at her for a second before attacking her with tickles. "Dude i'm gonna piss myself!" Robin was saying breathlessly in between laughs. "Hey! get your hands off my girlfriend Harrington!" Vickie, I sigh at her dramatics. "Sorry you have her" I say basically throwing Robin in Vickie's general direction. The red head catches Robin and immediately starts to make out with her. "Ugh, Guys get a room!" "Says you Stevie we could hear you two moaning last night" Robin states. "How was he!" Vickie says "We were just kissing guys, not yet it's too soon". At this point they are a pile of lesbians cackling on the floor. I got dressed and we went downstairs to eat, aka to make sure Eddie did not burn the kitchen down. 

I snuck behind Eddie and bit his neck causing him to curse. "Fuck, Steve really" I was laughing at his cuteness. "Yes you cute small bean". "Okay you go sit down for breakfast, I made pancakes!" I listened to him sitting next to Robin at my kitchen island. We ate his breakfast and I was quite impressed with his cooking skills. I repaid him with a peck on the lips and Robin made fun of us again. 

Eddies POV: It was a few hours after breakfast and Robin and Vickie had left. Steve and I were talking about random stuff while he played with my hair as I sat in his lap.

"Stevie, have you ever smoked weed?" "No, why Ed's" "You wanna try right now" I say turning around to face him. "Do you have weed on you all of the time?" Steve asked me questionably. "Yeah pretty much, what do you say pretty boy?" "Sure I guess, I trust you". I smirked running outside to my van and grabbing my tin lunch box filled with weed. I came back and Steve looked confused as fuck. "This is my weed box, as I like to call it". "Okay how do you take it?" I laughed "you don't take weed, you smoke it I am not paying a million dollars for an edible". Steve just looked more confused. "I will explain later" I tell him as I start rolling a joint. I handed it to him.

"Okay just take a puff" Steve listens immediately coughing after. I was rubbing his back, "Okay, maybe try less next time babe" I say chuckling. "Okay" Steve says raspy. I take a hit and show him how it's done releasing a sigh of relief feeling the high overtake me slowly. Steve looked gobsmacked. "Practice" I tell him. "Okay Stevie I am gonna take a hit and blow it into your mouth you got it?" he nods. I do as I say and kiss him while giving him a breath of smoke. He still coughs but not as bad.

"Ed's this is trippy I feel so relaxed, like nothing could ever harm us". "That's the magic of drugs big boy" I feel him lean into me and wrap his arms around my torso I melt into his grasp loving every moment of it knowing he is all mine. 

We were very high now and Steve was saying weird shit. "Do you think that if we ran into something hard enough our atoms would mix letting us go through walls" Steve asks with curiosity. "I don't know Stevie, just relax I am gonna put the weed away". "Mkay" is all he said before letting me out from under him to clean up. The house reeked of weed and so did we, as I was cleaning I heard Steve ask me a question. "Baby is this supposed to make you really nauseous?" "Um it can sometimes if you are not used to it, do you think you are gonna be sick?" "I don't know, can we go outside for some fresh air?" "yes of course love, come on". 

We were sitting in Steve's backyard now with him pressed up against me shaking. "Babe, you should try to throw up it will get the weed out of your system". I had sobered myself up quite a bit seeing how sick this was making him. Steve sat up all of a sudden and gagged. I rubbed his back whispering to him sweet nothings. "That's it Steve let it out" I tell him. He cannot stop dry heaving so I decided to help him. I went behind him and started putting pressure on this stomach, hoping it would make him get sick. My plan worked because before I knew it he was puking in his rich boy grass. "You are doing great love" I said to him. It was like the middle of the day and I was begging the neighbours did not hear. Steve soon sank into me with all of his weight. "I did not enjoy that" "no I did not think so, let's go inside yeah?" Steve nodded in agreement and we walked up to his bedroom and laid together. 

"Don't make me do drugs again, please" Steve sounded so sad. "never, unless you want to" I said with a smirk. He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. "Do you still love me after seeing my breakfast reappear?" Steve asked frowning slightly, "Yes of course Steve why would a little vomit make me fall out of love with you". Steve shrugged but then smiled and cuddled into me again scooting his butt into my crotch. I don't think he knows what this is doing to me I just want to fuck him so bad, but he is not stable for that right now he is high and feels like shit from puking up everything he has eaten in the past two days. I just accepted that today will not be the day, but that's okay because he is not going anywhere. I kissed him on the head and then played with his fluffy hair while we talked.          



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