First Time And New Found Danger

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Eddie's POV: The night I had made my cringe romantic gesture in front of Steve we were cuddling in Steve's bed. I was playing with his hair, I love to do that. 

"You wanna make out" I whispered to him. Steve just turned to face me and kissed me hard, I figured that was a yes. Steve then rolled himself onto me so I was underneath him. I was breathing heavily at this point, this was some hot shit. "Steve, you have no idea what you are doing to me right now" I said out of breath. "Oh I know what i'm doing, don't you worry" he said smirking. I just let him continue, loving this moment not wanting it to end. He started to nip at my neck causing me to let out a moan of pleasure. I could feel him moving his way down my body with his teeth and tongue. "Steve, are you sure?" I said looking down at him. "Yes i'm sure now let me take your clothes off".


I was looking at the man on me with his pretty brown eyes staring back at me. "Eddie, you are so good, everything about you, your smile, eyes, your amazing ass, outside and inside" I smirked at his last statement. " Your personality, I don't think I could ask for anyone better" Steve was saying all of this while caressing my face and putting his fingers through my hair. I was about to return his kindness when I heard the door open and Steve tense above me. 

"Shit" I heard Steve curse under his breath. "Hey hey hey, baby what's wrong" I asked him feeling his heart rate rise. "It's my parents, my dad will beat us up if he finds out im Bisexual and dating a guy" he whispered to me. "Then we just won't let him find out" I tell him.  

Steve's POV:

I got out of bed and Eddie followed, I told him to act like my friend. "Hi mom, hi dad!" I said trying to sound happy about seeing them. Don't get me wrong I love my mom but my dad is a racist homophobic ass hole who abuses my poor mother to the point that she can't leave him. I have tried to help her escape but every time I try to help my dad always ends up hitting me and telling me she is not to leave because she is his. I hate him. 

"Hello Steven" my father said. "How have you been honey? I know we were gone for a while" my mom stated. "Yeah great actually you left for only six months this time" I say directing my gaze to my dad at the end of that sentence. "Steven, you know it is for my work, now don't talk to me like that". "I know dad, anyways meet Eddie my new friend". The word friend rolled off my tongue grossly, that's not who he was he was my boyfriend and I like him, in a romantic way. "Hello Edward, I am assuming that's your real name". EdWaRd shook his head yes and offered my father a handshake when denied my mom gave him a hug. "Finally my baby has some more friends other than children!" Eddie was laughing at how happy my mom was. "My name is Louise, and that's Harold". My mother said gesturing to her and dad. "Nice to meet you two" Eddie said with his grin that could light up a room. My dad seemed to have other thoughts about Eddie than my mom though. 

"Steven get this fag out of my house right now" "Excuse me?" I said to him. "You heard me, I don't want this obviously homosexual in my house Steven". "Don't talk to him that way, he is one of my best friends ever since you took mom away again! For six months". "Oh enough with that you're not a little boy you don't need your mommy all the time!" That did it, I was so infuriated with him I told him to leave. "Get your shit and get out of this house" I said sternly. "This is my house Steven you do not tell me what to do". I told Eddie to go into my room with my mom and lock the door. My dad tried to grab my mom but I punched him in the nose so they had time to run. "Fuck you!" I screamed at him. "Son, all you have done your whole life is disappoint me, you are weak, you are useless and you do not deserve love, not from your mother and not  from any girl or woman, ever". 

"Mom will always love me, I will always love her, she is the only one who raised me cause where were you, oh yeah working, all my life it has just been working, working, working, as soon as I turned eight you started to take mom with you and leave me alone. That's how it's been for over ten years dad!" "For your information, you know who loves me, Eddie loves me, and I love him he is the best boyfriend and only boyfriend I have ever had but I love him more than anything in this god awful world". My dad was just staring at me, I watched his face scrunch up into knots while turning beet red. "Steven, you are the worst son I could have asked for, first you are soft like your mother,now your gay?!" I just stared at him some more wondering how on earth his face could get any redder, but did he show me. 

"I'm going to kill you" I started to panic knowing how strong he is. He punched me right in the face, then in the ribs, stomach and broke my nose with a second punch to the face. When he had finished with me I was on the floor sobbing. "Yeah cry like the fag you are, you son of a bitch". I watched him leave the house and just drive away like nothing had happened. I sat there for a moment before feeling a pair of warm hands on my shoulders lifting me up. I had closed my eyes in the warm strong arms and before I knew it I woke up. 

There was loud beeping and my whole body hurt. The walls were white and it smelt like the dentist, must be a hospital I thought to myself remembering the events that had just occurred. The next thing I saw was Eddie rushing over to me in tears. "Oh thank god you are okay I can't lose you yet" he said holding my hand and gently brushing my cheek with his thumb. "Where is mom? Is she okay?" is the only thing I got out. "She is okay, do you want me to get her love?" I shook my head yes needing to see her in the flesh. A moment later she came running in the room in tears saying sorry over and over again for leaving me so much. "Mom, it's okay, I'm okay, you're okay that's all that matters, yeah?" she shook her head in agreement. "My brave boy, I am so proud of you, thank you". I just kissed her cheek and let her melt into my grasp.

A day later I was released from the hospital. They found my father and put him in jail for child abuse and domestic violence. I had explained to my mom the situation with Eddie and I, how we are dating and I am bisexual. She took it really well and was happy, to quote her "that you found such a sweet boy to love". Mom drove us home I had my head in Eddie's lap in the backseat while listening to the radio. "I am so proud of you Stevie" Eddie said to me. "Everyone keeps saying that but I lost the fight and ended up in the hospital with a broken nose and bruised ribs!" "Yes baby, but you fought, you fought for your mom, me, you, us. Now we are safe from him, now we can love each other freely, at school and at home". When we finally arrived home Eddie brought me upstairs to bed and cuddled with me for the rest of the day telling me stories about him and his "boring trailer life" as he likes to call it. I once again fell asleep in my handsome boyfriends arms feeling safer than ever, knowing we are going to be okay.                                

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