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Steve's POV: 

I was sad when Eddie told me he was sleeping at his place. I really wanted to talk to him about my feelings maybe he could help me because he's gay, but on the other hand what if he does't like me. 

I woke up the next morning to knocks at my front door. I got out of bed sleepily and answered the door. I was not expecting Eddie but I could not be happier. "Eddie!.. I missed you dude" "I was only gone over night" he responds. I shut the door. We talk for a bit until he says he needs to tell me something. "Munson you're scaring me". "No no it's nothing too bad, I don't think". He doesn't think! god what did he do I think to myself. I then voice my concerns Too bad! Eddie what did you do?" "Nothing, I just, remember I am gay?" My heart drops knowing what hes about to tell me, he found someone. "... did you find someone?" I finished my statement. "Kinda yeah, he is so kind and he has great abs oh and great hair." Damn that sounds a lot like me, maybe I have a chance after all. 

Without trying to sound too full of myself about the abs and great hair I say. " that sounds like you are explaining me Eds" I chuckle nervously. "Yeah, it's cause... I am, please don't hate me" I hear him say, before I can even process what I am doing I am kissing Eddie. When he kisses back I feel a sense of relief wash over me. After a minute or two I pull away for air. "Damn" was all I got out in between breaths. 

Eddie engulfs me in a hug, he nuzzles his head into my neck. I say "Great hair, that's all I get!" I say jokingly. Eddie laughs "sorry princess your hair is the most amazing soft beautiful hair in the world." I smile. "that is all I wanted to hear." 

I had dragged us upstairs and now we were cuddled in my bed. It was a non-work day so I am being lazy. I had decided. I was the small spoon and I could feel Eddie playing with my hair. "I have wanted to do that for so long" I hear him say. "Me too Ed's" "Eddie?" "Yea pretty boy" I would have laughed but I am too confused. "I am so confused because I like men but also women, I thought that men were a stage but It has never gone away Eddie I don't know what's wrong with me!" I could feel the tears threatening to fall burning my eyes. "Hey, Stevie! It's okay my love you do know you can like both men AND women right." "I can?" I watch Eddie nod I am full on sobbing now. He sits me up and faces me, he brings my head into his neck this time and he caresses my back. 

"If I am not gay or straight what am I" I ask while Eddie is wiping me tears away with his shirt sleeve. "It is called Bisexual Stevie, liking men and women" "does that fit you love?" I nod, I start to cry again. "What is it Steve?" "I am just so happy I have a word to put to my feelings now" I say through choked sobs. "Aww Stevie, come here" Eddie embraces me in a tight hug and lays down, he says he is never letting go. I laugh and before we know it we drift off to sleep in each other's arms. 

(A/N I have no idea what the hell I am doing bare with me lol, Have a lovely day drink some water eat something and TPWK take care my lovelies :)  

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