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Steve's POV:

I can see it coming. I shake Eddie but as I turn my head I witness his skin melting off his face making me jump back in fear. I then stare at the white bony see-through creature with trauma plastered on my face. I try to scream but nothing comes out just muffled air. The creature screamed at me and I then realised that this was the poltergeist. Before I could do anything it came at me and everything went black. That's when I woke up screaming. 

Eddie's POV:

I was fast asleep when I heard someone say my name which awoke me I looked down to see Harrington with a scared pained expression on his face, "he must have said it in his sleep" I thought to myself. I continued to watch him as he stirred when he all of a sudden jolted out of his slumber screaming. I could see the fear in his eyes my immediate reaction was to pull him into a hug which he gladly accepted.

I was just holding him in my arms with my hand in his hair. God, it was soft. I heard whimpering, I pulled his face up to face me and he tried to look away I did not let him. "Hey, it's okay just a nightmare" I say pulling him back into my chest. He pushed away "I am not normally like this, I just... I really don't like scary movies... I'm sorry I fell asleep on you" he said while wiping his tears.  "It's fine, I understand, come here" I say smiling and gesturing for him to place his head on my lap again. He hesitantly did as I said but instantly relaxed by my touch. "Good night Stevie" "Good night Munson" he said with a chuckle. 

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