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Steve's POV: 

I woke up in Eddie's arms once more warm and safe, actually safe for once. I turned to face him like I do most mornings, him basically living with me at this point. I stared at his pretty face, a single curl framing each side of it. I focused on his breathing taking in the fact that he is mine, all of him, from his head to his toes. I pressed my lips to his causing him to wake up. 

"Hello Steven" he said to me with a cheeky grin causing me to attack him with more kisses. "Alright I get it you love me but lets eat, brush our teeth and then we can suck face" Eddie said. After we had gotten dressed and done some basic personal hygiene we went down stairs to eat something for breakfast. Mom was sitting at the table drinking coffee and enjoying some toast with peanut butter. 

"Miss Harrington good morning, you are looking delightful today!" Eddie said cheerfully being excited to shove some toast down his throat as fast as possible. "Well thank you Eddie, you can call me Louise honey it's alright" my mother said with a welcoming smile that could make anyone love her in an instant. "Thanks Louise! Hey could I have some toast for breakfast by chance?" Eddie asked to be extra kind to the woman who birthed me. "You don't even have to ask me for that sweetheart, of course you can help yourself". Eddie just gave her a welcoming smile and offered me some toast. I gladly took it and buttered and peanut buttered both of our toasts. I placed our food down and Eddie had poured us some coffee also bringing that to the table.

________________________________________________________________________________"Thanks for looking out for my boy" mom said out of the blue in the middle of consuming breakfast. "Oh- yeah, no problem" Eddie said confused. "Mom I am an adult, I can look after myself" I said slightly aggravated. "I know you can baby but you need the extra support right now, with dad and I am going to be starting the divorce process soon as well. I am just happy that you have this sweet young man in your life especially at a time like this. Just someone to love you not in a motherly or friend way like Robin, he loves you romantically and humans need that, we crave it. It is just such a good time to have him, you know Steve?" She was rambling worried that she had pissed me right off. "Yeah I get it mom, I just misunderstood at first" I said smiling and grabbing her hand to let her know it was alright. "Anyway boys, I am going out tonight with my friend Jennie tonight so you will be alone. I will cancel if you need me here Stevie" mom said with a sad look in her eyes obviously feeling guilty about bringing the man I have to call my father into my life again. 


It was later and mom had left, and I was hysterical finally being able to let my feelings out without stressing my poor mother out any more than she already is . "Steve, you can tell me anything, you know that right?" Eddie voiced looking into my wet eyes with pure honesty and trust. I had been borderline traumatised by my own father. I just shook my head in agreement not being able to respond. 

I had calmed myself down to the point where I could speak. "I am- just so- scared he is, gonna get out of prison babe!" I said working myself up again over this stupid thing. "This should not be affecting me Ed's I am a guy, why am I so emotional". "Because Steve, you are human" Eddie said to me giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Yeah?" I questioned. Eddie just nodded pulling me into a hug. "You want to go upstairs and cuddle baby?" Eddie asked me. "Mhm" Eddie dragged me upstairs and threw me onto my bed. 

Eddie climbed in with me. "This is going to take a long time to heal Stevie, and it will never be fully resolved, but it will get easier, we are gonna look into therapy together okay boo?" "Okay Ed's, I love you" "I love you too Steve". 

(A/N I am going to stop this book for a while because all of my chapters are ending the same and it's pissing me off that I have no other ideas at the moment. I will be continuing my other stories though. Thanks guys, TPWK have great day)


(I will finish it one day, sorry)    


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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