Best Friends

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1 month later

Eddie's POV:

Steve and I have become the best of friends in the past weeks, I am part of the group now, Stevie, Rob and I. Steve and I practically live at his house He has so many rooms but he likes it when I sleep in his bed. I mean I am not complaining because he sleeps shirtless most nights. I sometimes wonder if he likes me too. It's getting harder and harder to be just friends with him my feelings are beginning to overwhelm me. I told him I was gonna sleep at my place tonight and I saw him hide his sadness but I could still tell. I did not want to stay at my place but I decided I needed to think of a plan to tell him about this because of how hard it has become. 

I barely slept last night, I was so worried he was gonna hate me but I just needed to get it off my chest. I got myself ready and put on my brave face as I pulled up to his mansion. I walked up to the door, I could feel my heart thumping in my ears. I knocked, and waited until a sleepy half naked Steve swung the door open. Him seeing my face seemed to wake him up which made me feel warm inside. 

"Eddie!.. I missed you dude" "I was only gone over night" I say pulling him into a hug, "I know but it felt like an eternity." That's when I remembered why I was here. "Steve" "yes?" "I need to talk to you". "Munson your scaring me" "No no its nothing too bad, I don't think" "Too bad!, Eddie what did you do?" "Nothing, I just, remember I am gay" "yes, what is it did you find someone?" I felt his tone soften. "Kinda yeah, he is so kind and has great abs oh and great hair" "that sounds like you are explaining me Eds" he laughed nervously. "Yeah, it's cause.. I am, please don't hate me-". I was cut off by Steve's lips smashing into mine.  

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