Awkward Morning

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Steve's POV:

I woke up with my head in Eddie's lap, my cheeks flushed red as I recalled the night before. I got up quick but careful to make sure I did not wake him. I walked around the slightly cluttered trailer until I found the bathroom. I open and shut the door I breathe and look up. I am normal, I say to myself while I look in the mirror. I'm lying to myself I know I just can't bring myself to accept it. I like Eddie the freak Munson. I like everything about him, his beautiful brown eyes with incredible brown curls to match. His ass is so perfect in those black jeans he wears... his ass is perfect in anything actually. That stupid smile that you just can't help but love, his laugh and his nicknames for me. He is just so perfect I think to myself. 

I am shaken from my thoughts when I hear a loud bang from outside the washroom followed by a "Shit". I leave the washroom trying to fix my hair I see Eddie trying not to drop a frying pan, I run over and grab it placing it on the stove. "Thanks Harrington" He says with that stupid perfect grin. "I don't know what I would do without you Stevie". "You would be happier" I whisper so he does not hear, but the thing is he does. "Steve what do you mean I really like hanging out with you man". "Oh um.. I I guess I'm, just... sorry" "Sorry for what?" "You know for panicking last night" "Is that really what this Is about, I have nightmares all the time Harrington" he says putting his hands on mine. "Really?" "Really!". I wanted to kiss him so bad right now but I can't ruin this so I just hug him.

Eddies POV:

I don't know what it is about Steve but holding him and laughing with him is so fun and sentimental. We have only hung out once, but I feel like I could tell him anything, I trust him. "Stevie," I say in our embrace. "Mhm" "Can I tell you a secret I've only ever told my uncle." "yes of course I feel like I have known you forever it sounds crazy-" "No it doesn't I feel the same it's weird" I cut him off. We let go of the embrace. "What is it Eddie you can tell me". "Well the thing is, all the rumours people say about me are true, I deal weed. "that is not that big of a secret Munson. he chuckles. "No Steve there is more, i'm... I am, Gay" I expect him to leave but I just feel his arms around my waist. "Thanks for telling me Eddie it means a lot" he says smiling. "Why would I leave, you know I am best friends with Robin she has been openly gay for like a year." "I don't know man, I just assumed". "Never in a million years Eddie" Steve says. "Thanks" "always, lets watch a movie Munson, just nothing scary" he says laughing. I laugh too he is the best, if only I did not find him so damn cute. 

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