Butterflies and Boyfriends

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Steves :POV

I woke up and was hit with the smell of cologne and cigarettes, I rolled over slowly to find Eddie sleeping peacefully. I cupped his cheek with my right hand and drew little hearts on his nose with the left one. I noticed him stirring so I stopped touching his nose, but he was already awake. He was not mad he just looked at me and I watched as his lips curled slightly and created a sleepy smile. 

"G'd mrning" Eddie said sluggishly causing me to giggle. "You are so cute Ed's". That seemed to wake him up because he responded wide eyed "No you are" I laughed fully now causing Eddie to lift his head and raise a brow. "What is it Stevie?" "We are acting like school girls in love" "I feel like a school girl in love" Eddie said. I turned to him with a shocked expression, "You love me?" "Well of course love, you are my best friend and I kinda have a massive crush on you" "Ditto to that Ed's, I love you too." "Would you go out with me Munson?" My heart was pounding in my chest. Even though I knew he would say yes, I still had my doubts. "Of course Steve" He said with that goofy smile. I could feel myself smiling like an idiot so I just pecked him on the lips and nuzzled my head into his bare inked chest. 

It had been a good ten minutes of silence while Eddie was playing with my hair and I was tracing his warm tattooed skin with my fingertips. I was listening to his heart beat, it had such a lovely rhythm I started to dose off again when I heard Eddie say something. "Pardon love?" "I said can I come to work with you?" "Sure Ed's" I felt his heart beat quicken as he squealed an excited yes. "Princess, do you wanna go to dinner for our date tonight?" I smiled "Yes please, lets go to Enzo's" "mkay" 

I was chatting with Eddie when I realised we have to get to work right now. I interrupt him, "Munson, we gotta go to work NOW if you still wanna come." "Yeah okay lets go" I got out of bed realising that I was only in shorts and so was Eddie. I threw clothes at him since his were dirty. I threw clothes on myself and we were off to work. 

I opened the door of the family video and heard that familiar ding. "Hey Steve" I heard robin say and then she looked up. "Eddie!" "that's my name Rob". "Why are you here?" "Stevie and I  had a little sleepover last night". "Awwwww love birds, you finally listened to me Steve after almost a month!" "Ha ha Robin you are so funny" I said sarcastically. "I practically live at Steve's place you shouldn't be surprised" Eddie says. "I know, I know it's just fun to tease you two". Rob said with a snorty giggle. 

We hung out at the store for a while when I asked Eddie for some help. I did not need it, I wanted to talk to him about Robin.

"You wanna tell her don't you Stevie". "Yeah, you know me too well" "That's fine, she is one of my best friends besides you" Eddie said booping my nose. "Really?" "yes, you mean a lot to me Steve and I wanna be with you". "Actually?" I say surprised. "Actually, only if you want to that is". "Like boyfriends?" "I was hoping... yes" "of course!" I say with excitement pulling Eddie into a kiss twirling him slightly. He pulled away looking behind him, I turned around not knowing what to expect. It was Robin with her mouth hanging open. "Surprise!" I hear Eddie say. "Yeah no shit! Oh my gosh guys this is so cute!" Robin says jumping around excitedly after getting over the initial shock of the situation. I was looking at Eddie behind me and he was smiling. I felt arms rap around my torso causing me to jump slightly only to realise they belong to Robin. 

"So are guys together?" Robin asks trying to hide her excitement. "Yeah that's why we were making out, Stevie said he would be mine". 

We were sitting at the front desk now and I was leaning against my boyfriend, I don't think I will ever get used to that word. Robin was talking about how she has more gay friends now. Eddie corrected her saying I was bi which I was thankful for. Robin's smile just grew more at that sentence. "EEEEEEE!" "Steve you are not a single Pringle ready to mingle any more!". Eddie was laughing at her choice of words and I was smiling at his gorgeous face. 

After work

Robin, Eddie, Vickie and I were at my place watching a movie. I was leaning on Eddie's shoulder since Vickie was just as accepting. Since she is dating Robin we knew she would not care. Robin was leaning on me and Vickie on Robin. We were watching Grease, because it's "gReAt" according to Eddie. He was right, he is always right god damn it!

After the musical ended Robin said Vickie and her were gonna go make out in my spare room. I rolled my eyes while pulling Eddie up to my room to follow suit. I closed my door behind me and immediately locked lips with Eddie. I could feel him trying to invite his tongue in my mouth which I let him do. We were sitting on my bed now, I had my hands up Eddie's shirt and he had his hands in my hair. I was feeling his warm skin knowing he is all mine while enjoying his lips on mine. Eddie slowly moved his kisses down my neck giving me multiple hickeys. I was softly moaning which Eddie seemed to enjoy as I felt him smile into another kiss. I pulled away breathless and pulled Eddie down on the bed making him spoon me. When we caught our breaths I sighed reminiscing how amazing that was. 

"Wow love you are good at that" I heard Eddie say. "You are better Ed's" I said turning to face him. He was smiling, "I can't believe we are a couple Stevie". "Me either, I never thought I would have the courage to kiss you" "I am super glad you did babe I don't know what would have happened if I did not say anything". "We would not be laying here right now enjoying each other's company". Babe, I liked it when Eddie called me that it gave me so many butterflies. "I like that nickname Ed's". "Oh, Babe?" "Yeah" "I mean that is usually what you call your partner silly". "I know, it is just so special coming from you" "Well thanks, BABE". I giggled at Eddie's humour. 

"I love you Steve Harrington" "I love you too Eddie Munson". "Lets sleep so we can't hear Robin and Vickie doing gay things" I chuckled again, I have not laughed this much in a while I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep in my lovers protective grasp.                      

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