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Eddies POV:

I have had a crush on Steve Harrington for years. When I walked into that store he was the last person I expected to see. I was going to get horror movies to watch alone since my uncle works night shifts. Steve pointed me in the direction of the horror section, on my way I was panicking. He was so beautiful I wanted to make out with him so hard, but there was no way that Steve the hair Harrington was gay. On my way back to sign out the movies I did something unthinkable. I stared into those beautiful eyes of his and said "Steve Harrington, right?" "Yes? how do you know my name?" was his answer. "Who does not know king Steve." He all of a sudden said my name and I almost creamed my pants. "Eddie?" "yep" was all I managed to get out.

 He remembered me, I sat behind him in AP English two years ago. "Munson?" was all I heard next. "Yep that's me Eddie the freak Munson". why would I say that... I was distracted from my thoughts when I heard Steve say, "Oh yeah dude we had English together". "Now pretty boy Steve remembers me". I said with a smirk. I could have sworn I saw him blush. He chuckled. The next thing I know I had spit out "You seem nice Steve, wanna hang out sometime?" "Sure sounds fun man" I paid and scribbled my number on a post it note that happened to be on the counter and slid it to him. I winked and said "Call me". Steve just laughed, I left the store and as soon as I turned the corner I did a happy dance and got in my car and drove home. 

Steve POV:

After work I was lying in my bed contemplating whether to call Eddie or not. I finally decided, screw it, I stood up went over to the phone and dialled the number on the post it. It rang one, two, three times then I heard "Hello?" from the other end. "Hi Eddie its me, Steve I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight?" "Yeah of course man". He gave me his address and I drove there right away. On the way there I kept fixing my hair in the rear view mirror. I arrived more panicked than ever I was about to go into Eddie the freaks house, if anyone found out I would never live it down.

Before I knew it I was knocking on his door. He swung the door open. "Hey Stevie" "Stevie? what pet name is that I like it" I don't think he knew I was serious. He giggled and let me inside. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" "sure" was all I said. I almost forgot to breathe when I watched him pull out the poltergeist. Robin always calls me chicken shit because I hate scary movies. But I was not about to tell the most handsome guy I have ever seen that I don't like scary movies. Eddie snapped me out of my thoughts "Is this good Harrington?" I just nodded. He put the movie in and gestured for me to sit on his couch. "You can move closer I don't bite." he said. I laughed but moved closer our arms were practically touching. 

About half an hour into the movie there was a jump scare and I jumped. I heard Eddie giggle and I felt him put his arm around my shoulders and he squeezed one. I got chills he made me feel safe. Before I knew it I found myself drifting to sleep. 

Eddies POV:

I looked down at Steve to make sure he was okay. I could tell he was scared, I found him fast asleep on my lap. He had slid down my side a while ago, I guess he fell asleep. He was so hot with his hair messed up and his lips slightly parted. I could not get enough of his face I rubbed my thumb against his cheek he didn't even stir. I decided to go to bed too, I shut the movie off and rested my head against the back of the couch. Before I could count sheep I was out like a light.

(A/N TPWK have a great day my lovelies!)

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