Boy's Bathroom

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There is a homophobic slur. 

Eddies POV: 

It was a Monday meaning we have to go to school, this is the first school day that Steve and I have been boyfriends. This is really nerve racking for me since I have never done this boyfriend thingy before, I have only ever hooked up with guys. Being gay is not exactly welcomed in most places. I have hid it for the most part, but Steve is new to this whole bisexual thing and I am worried he is gonna blow it on us. I really don't want him to get hurt, I was almost murdered when Jason found me kissing a guy in the woods. He promised not to tell anyone as long as I let him hurt me. He broke my wrist and bruised my ribs pretty bad. I am not telling Steve ever because he would lose his shit, I don't even think he knows Jason. 

I had arrived at school and was waiting for Steve, Robin and Vickie to show up. I soon felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around and beamed as I saw Steve. "Hello" I said. "Hello Ed's, can we hang out or is that not allowed". "We can we just can't be lovey I don't want you to get hurt" I heard Steve sigh. "This sucks! I just want to do boyfriendy things with you" "I know Stevie, but we can at home!" "We can hide in the bathroom and make out between classes" I said the last part quieter with a smile, I watched as Steve blushed and tried to hide it. "Okay, lets go to class Robin and Vickie ran off after we got here"      

Language class actually sucked ass and I was beginning to become one horny mother fucker. I told Steve to follow me after we collected our shit for the next class. I led him to the bathroom like I promised I would. I called out. 

"Is anyone here?" I got no response I checked under each stall before pulling Steve into one shutting the door. "You look so hot right now Stevie". Steve just kissed me in response it was a passionate loving kiss, one I had never experienced before. I felt cared for and like I was the only one that mattered. Steve pulled away resting his forehead on mine. "Eddie I love you so much you better fucking know that". I chuckled "Of course I know that babe, I love you too Harrington". 

We were talking when I realised we were late for class. "Shit, Steve class!" He frantically looks at me and starts picking up his stuff. We exit the stall to find Jason standing in the corner smirking. "Eddie I knew you were fruity but you got Steve all over you too?" "Oh? you know me?" I hear Steve say. "What? do you know him? what is going on right now?" "I had a crush on him a while back" He whispered into my ear I looked at him and shook my head disapproving. "Jason, what the fuck do you want from us". I watched Steve mouth Jason. "I knew you were gay Harrington, you were always fucking staring at me". "Well actually i'm not for your information, I am bisexual!" Steve said that last bit with pride, he was not good at this. I sighed "That's even better! I can't wait till everyone at school knows Eddie the freak Muson is butt fucking Steve Harrington". I felt Steve's fear so I just rubbed his lower back. "Okay Jason you go tell everyone that we don't care we are in love for your information" I say the last part mimicking Steve. Jason just looked disgusted. 

Steve POV: 

"Fags" I heard the gross womaniser who I now know is named Jason whisper. I got really mad, I turned around since we had started to walk out. "Excuse me?" "You heard me you are both fags!" I lost it I punched him in the nose and then turned around like nothing had happened and kissed Eddie on the way out of the washroom while flipping him off. I heard him scoff as he got up off his ass to presumably tell the whole school that we are "fAgS". The rest of the day was not so smooth people were starting to gossip and people could not stop staring at us. We went home and just cuddled and told each other that it would be okay.  

By the next day at school everyone knew we were a couple and queer. Eddie was done with the stares and the pointing so at lunch he decided to do something. He stood up on the cafeteria table and began a speech. "I am sure you guys have heard the rumours about Steve and I dating, I want to tell you all that they are in fact true". I heard as the whispering began. "I love Steve a lot and before you do or say anything, all I know at the end of the day is you love who you love there ain't no other way. So shut up would you," I watched Eddie reach for my hand I accepted it and climbed on the table with him. "I am gay and proud and Steve is," He looked at me for approval which I gave him. "bisexual and proud and I love him even more for that. I am gonna prove to you by sealing this with a kiss". I watched as his lips connected with mine and some people started cheering while others were booing and making fun. I did not let them affect me, all I could hear the people who were proud of us. 

When our lips separated I watched Eddie thinking very hard which was followed by the most romantic shit ever. He whispered it all into my ear after we sat down. "But soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Steve is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou, his maid, art far more fair than him. Be not his maid, since he is envious, his vestal livery is but sick and green and none but fools do wear it; cast it off. It is my lady, O, it is my love! Oh, that he knew he were". That may sound cringe as the cool kids say, but it meant a lot to me. Him quoting Shakespeare. We went home the next night with much more hope for a brighter future.

"Eddie I am so proud of you for standing up for us, I love you babe" Eddie just smiled and sighed into the hug we were enjoying. 

(A/N Thanks for the love of my other story guys, I am honestly struggling with this one if anyone has any ideas I would love them. I just want a basic story line to follow if anyone would be kind enough to do that for me, thank you! Have a great day my loves TPWK!!!!)  

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