Intro: 3 Vampire Classes and 10 Elders

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The prequel to this book is "The Vampire Prince's Toxic Consort", you can find it in my profile or go to this address:

However, you can also read this book as a stand-alone. 

This story will eventually have a happy ending, and I update it every Saturday and Wednesday.

Below are the vampire classes introduced in the prequel Chapter 8: 

Vampires are known for their strict and fixed social stratum as their level of sentient and abilities are tight with their classes. The lowest class is called "the ogres," which are more similar to beasts rather than sentient beings. They are strong, fast, nocturnal, bloodthirst all the time, and are driven by primal instinct rather than rational thinking. Their life span is usually around two hundred years, and their exceptional cell regeneration rate makes them immune to regular physical attacks. However, they will burn in the sunlight and can be hurt lethally by silvers and werewolf teeth. They cannot make any other vampires but can infect creatures they bite with a deadly madness similar to rabies. If they mate with each other, the offspring will also be ogres.

The second class is called "the neophytes." They comprise the majority of the vampire population. They possess all the preternatural abilities that ogres have and more. They are capable of hypnotization, hyper-olfaction and night vision, hyper-speed and often inherit one or two distinctive gifts from their makers. Their appearances are the same as humans except with two long retractable fangs. They are immortal unless killed by starvation, fire, dark arts, werewolf attack, high concentrations of UV exposure and some direct-energy weapons. Daylight will weaken them but won't harm them. The only kind of vampire they can make is ogres, and the offspring they reproduce are neophytes.

The third class is "the apostles." They are the nobles of the vampires, direct offspring of the ten oldest Elders. Except for the first generation, who were made by the Elders, all were born vampires, and none were made. They often inherit many supernatural traits like shape-shifting, mind-controlling, invisibility, teleporting, etc. Many of them are masters of dark arts. However, their gifts are greatly affected by their Elder bloodline. Sun has no effect on them though they would prefer night over day. High concentrations of UV beams or some types of direct-energy weapons could burn and slow them down but would not kill them. They can withstand long periods of starvation but would eventually fall into hibernation. And the only way to completely end their life is when their body is completely shuttered into dust, preventing them from resuscitating. Their offspring will also be apostles, and the vampires they make are neophytes.

The last and the highest and also the most enigmatic class is the "Elders." The first ten vampires who were cursed into eternal damnation. They were powerful angels of God in the immemorial beginning of the universe but were punished for their pride and insubordination. Their existence has gradually faded into legend as no one had seen an Elder for more than three centuries. They made the first generation of apostles, yet they seemed unable to produce any offspring. They were the ancestors of all vampires.

The Ten Elders (The details about the gifts related to their scions will be updated as the story goes): 

Asmodian–The Devil. The gifts he bestowed upon his scions: Metamorphosis, which divided into two different factions: Alchemy, which is the ability to rearrange matters and molecules and transform them into something else. The second faction is Shape_shift, which is the ability to change the spell caster's shape and quality. More details can be found in Chapter 52 of The Vampire Prince's Toxic Consort (the sequel).

Scions: Queen Mitra Aslani, Dorian Ashdown (half-blood)

Azreal-The Death. The gifts he bestowed upon his scions: Illusory Magic, Realm Magic and Soul Magic. Illusory magic involves bending the target's perception and making them see, hear, or feel things don't exist or events never happened. Realm Magic is considered an advanced stage of Illusory Magic, and only very few Azreal line scions mastered it. It involves creating a bubble in which the world's fundamental rules and reality can be altered. And soul magic involved digging into an individual's mind and soul to read their memory and thoughts and even change their nature of existence. The deeper the spell caster dives into one's mind, the more likely the target's brain and soul will be severely damaged. 

Scions: Cosmo Ashdown, Dorian Ashdown (half-blood), Silvan Ashdown (half-blood)

Hecate–The Witch. The gifts she bestowed upon his scions: Witchcraft, including communicating and controlling animals, plants, and earth;  Casting curses or blessings; Enchantment which involves adding magical properties to an object. Many witches from this line are great healers and enchanters.

Scions: Lady Lilian Durchville, Lord Durchville, all Durchville families.

Zorvan–The Time and Space. The gifts he bestowed upon his scions: Portal Opening, Augur, and Time Distortion. The portal opening involves bending space and creating a shortcut between two distant locations on Earth, and in rare cases, a master of such art can even open portals between different realities. Augur is the ability to analyze causal factors and foretell possibilities in the limited future. And Time Distortion is the hardest magic, as only very few Zorvan scions can leap into the recent future, but they cannot travel backward in time as the Elder didn't give them the ability.

Scions: Duke Darius Mahmound, all Mahmmound families.

Morrigan–The War

Loviater–The agony. 

Nergal–The plague

Lilith–The Lust. The gifts she bestowed upon his scions: Allurement, which is the ability to manipulate the target's feeling toward the caster. They can also bend the target's thoughts and values and reform their beliefs. More powerful scions can reshape a large number of people's minds, making them their willing slaves. Lilith's scions also have the strongest sensibility in all ten lines. They can hear, smell, see, and sense much more than other vampires.

Scions: Concubine Devina, Silvan Ashdown (half-blood)

Makeda–The Greed

Phobos—The Terror

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