Chapter 19 The Truth

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The last time Dorian felt so alone in this court of gilt and panache was when he escaped from Anthor and returned to Vermilion Citadel eight years ago. At the time, he had no power, no position, no one to trust, and the only thing that carried him through it was his hatred of his father and concubine Devina.

And now, he was the King of this cursed palace, yet he still wasn't sure who he could trust.

Who was helping Silvan? How did his half-brother get him even from prison? Was there anyone else in it with the Keatons?

"My King, the Chieftain Volke Nightingale and Warrior Anton Nightingale have arrived. They are waiting for you in the Hall of Sovereigns."

Dorian snapped out of his trance and stood up from his chair. He finished one last gulp of the blood wine, straightened himself in front of the mirror, and then left the room.

After secretly meeting with Sophie, Dorian also found a chance to talk to the gardener Faith while feigning to promenade in the rose garden. The neophyte had been a constant and unobtrusive presence, and Dorian had never paid her too much attention until now.

Lucius used to chat with Faith from time to time. She was probably one of the few vampires Lucius trusted.

The gardener was reluctant to divulge anything to the King at first. But two days later, she approached Dorian when he was trying to find some peace of mind in the abandoned chapel. And she told him that sometime last year, she overheard the young nephew of Chieftain Volke, Anton, begging his uncle to try and rescue Lucius while visiting the Citadel, but was rejected. So after Sophie came for her help, she contacted some of her friends from the clandestine market (as she was one of the most valuable information sources to those friends) and sent a message to Anton, telling him that Lucius was in a brothel of the House of Roses. And she didn't know anything more beyond that.

Dorian then sent an invitation to Volk and Anton for the imminent Crown Council Meeting to discuss strategies against Anthor and if they should retaliate.

Volke found it slightly eccentric for the King specifically ask his nephew to accompany him, but considering Anton was his heir, perhaps the King just wanted to involve the future Chieftain more in political matters so peace between werewolves and vampires would endure in the future.

Dorian greeted the two great werewolf warriors with imperial decorum and cordiality. His eyes only paused on the young werewolf briefly. The handsome but still exuding a hint of boyishness countenance was a picture of youthfulness and vivacity.

Anton was not a complete stranger to him. He had accompanied his uncle in attending several stately ceremonies and events. However, Dorian had never paid much attention to him. In fact, he wasn't paying much attention to anyone in the past one and a half years. But this time, it finally occurred to him that Anton wouldn't have stood before him today if not for Lucius.

Dorian invited both werewolves to stay for dinner. A simple setting without too many servants. And at some point, Dorian tacitly dismissed all servants from the dining hall with a gesture.

Volke noticed his intention and said casually, "So...I guess shit really hits the fan this time. Suddenly no fresh human blood and everyone has to go vegetarian? You will have a riot within days."

"It is not an ideal situation. But we will handle it." Dorian leaned back to his seat and slowly rotated the glass of blood, watching the dark liquid swirling and dancing, "I've heard some rumor about certain werewolf clans thinking this is a chance for all of you. A chance to take back Eternia."

"It's only a minority, to be more precise, Shadow Bane's power thirst Chief Ronan Lupine." Anton said audaciously, "Most of us just want to live our lives."

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