Chapter 43 Prince of Karnath

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Queen Kali had been trapped in a tedious, interminable council meeting for more than an hour when her secretary came in and whispered something into her ear. Her bored demeanor changed drastically, and she immediately ended the meeting.

The entire Palace of Anub was in an unexpected clamor as the news of the lost King of Eternia appeared before the Ruby Gate, requesting an audience with the Queen. They all saw video clips of a dragon burning those vampire hunters during the execution, but many believed the Vampire King also died in the fire. But now, Dorian Ashdown stood tall and regal as always before the Queen, in a full set of elegant and well-fitted black attire, and no trace of ever being poisoned, tortured, crucified or burned could be found.

Queen Kali stared at him with wide eyes as if seeing a ghost. She stood up from her throne and descended the stairs so she could have a closer look at Dorian, trying to find any trace of illusory magic on him.

"Incredible!" Queen Kali marveled, "The whole world thought you were dead!"

"It was a close call. But Azreal decided it was not my time to enter his domain yet."Dorian replied with a charming, courteous smile.

The queen then ushered him into the sumptuous reception room and ensconced him on the leather-covered golden chairs. A beautiful maiden brought him warm, fresh blood in a silver goblet.

"How did you survive?" The queen asked curiously.

"An Apostle rescued me."

"The dragon?"

"Yes. He is a Shapeshifter."

"A Shapeshifter!" Queen Kali exclaimed, "And an extremely powerful one, no less. Not many of Asmodian's Apostles are left nowadays. How did you find one in Anthor?"

"He found me." Dorian answered with a soft look in his eyes, "I would like to believe Asmodian was also helping me. I have my mother's blood, after all."

The mentioning of Queen Mitra Aslani put a sheet of dolefulness on Kali's still youthful and captivating visage. She sighed profoundly and then hid the sadness away once again, "Where is your shapeshifter friend now?"

"He is shy," Dorian answered with a smirk, "but I'm sure he is somewhere in the city."

Just then, the ornate door opened, and a young man stepped in hastily. He was tall and lean, wearing a Karnath-styled bead net shirt, showing off his lustrous black skin and gracile body. His rich, shoulder-length curly hair was braided into many small braids, adorned with numerous gems. His long lashes fringed eyes glistened with excitement as he set eyes on Dorian.

"Seems someone is eager to see you." Queen Kali smiled dotingly as she regarded the young man, "I didn't summon you, Zephyr."

"It's rude not to greet the legendary King of Eternia." The young man beamed at Dorian.

Zephyr...Dorian heard about the name. He was Queen Kali and her alpha werewolf concubine Atu's youngest son. A rare half vampire half omega-werewolf. He was well-liked by people in Kanarth and was lauded as the Black Pearl of Noor.

Dorian stood up and greeted the prince with a nod and an impeccable smile, "Pleasure to meet you, Prince Zephyr."

Zephyr laughed melodiously, "Are we pretending to have never met before? No matter what game this is, I like it."

Dorian paused for a moment, realizing that he and the prince probably had met during those missed years. He tacitly griped Lucius for not mentioning such important information to him while smoothly adjusting his response, "It always feels like the first time meeting with someone as dazzling as you."

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