Chapter 41 The Art of Metamorphosis

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Lucius sulked through the shrubs soundlessly, not disturbing a single leaf. He found that stalking prey became an effortless, almost instinctual task since he abandoned humanity and chose the path of decadence. His body seemed to have its own mind and do things before he even knew that he was capable of.

Dorian was a few steps ahead of him, moving through shadows with such ease and elegance as if he was made of liquid or air. Presently, he slowed down and beckoned Lucius to come closer. Lucius complied and peered through the leaves and twigs.

A cougar was prowling in the shadows. His emerald eyes glowed ominously, fixed on a deer drinking water under a stream of moonlight unsuspiciously, not knowing she was about to become the cougar's dinner.

"Pay attention to how he moves, try to extend your mind, imagine being in his form," Dorian whispered into Lucius's ear so the cougar wouldn't be disturbed. Their body pressed close, and Dorian's scent, redolent of an enticing hint of musk and the sweet, rich note of amber essence, engulfed Lucius's enhanced olfaction, making it especially difficult for Lucius to concentrate on his "study."

"Are you listening?" Noticing Lucius's distraction, Dorian cocked an eyebrow.

"I am!"

"Shhh...Keep it down!"Dorian scolded his "apprentice," "Today you must master at least one animal form, so focus!"

Lucius rolled his eyes and tried to concentrate on the observation. Yesterday he spent the entire night reading about several animals' biology, characteristics, habits, and behaviors. And today, Dorian said that in addition to book knowledge, Lucius also needed to observe his targets closely, so they had been following the cougar for the past hour to watch his daily routine like two proper stalkers.

"You know...I don't think cougar is a very useful form...Like...when can I even use it? In the zoo?"Lucius mumbled as he watched the cougar pounce on the deer.

Dorian glanced at him, "You are such a mouthy student. Your teachers must have 'loved' you. "

"Oh I am exceptionally mouthy in many situations," Lucius smirked flirtatiously.

Dorian rolled his eyes and suddenly stood up, startling the cougar. And instantly, the animal disappeared into the thickets.

"What are you doing!" Lucius exclaimed as he rose up as well, "he didn't even get to finish his dinner!"

"Seems like you are getting bored, then let's get to the point."Dorian crossed his arms and instructed, "Go on, turn into a cougar."

Lucius suddenly felt very self-conscious. He tried to recall all the knowledge he had learned about the big cat but found it impossible to concentrate when Dorian stood there and stared at him.

"Do you have to be here?" Lucius complained, "I can't focus!"

"Are you also going to tell the vampire hunters to give you some private time so you can transform and kill them?"Dorian retorted sarcastically.

Lucius glanced at the other vampire in annoyance and closed his eyes again, trying to forget about the surroundings and focus on his own mind. He kept repeating related knowledge to himself, recalling how the cougar moved confidently and stealthily through the shadows, the powerful muscles moved subtly under the tawny fur, and the long, thick tail swayed elegantly behind him.

At first, nothing happened, and as Lucius was getting frustrated, came Dorian's deep, calming voice, "Remember, it's about connection, not just about what you know about them. Try to extend yourself out of your current form and understand them. Let your instinct and feeling guide you."

Lucius frowned, struggling to understand the difference between knowledge and connection. He always liked cats, though he didn't have a chance to have one. And he noticed how similar a cougar was to a house cat.

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