Chapter 20 The War

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The scripture says God is mercy. God is love. And as a child, Lucius believed it. Even when he no longer believed in God after he grew up, somewhere deep in his heart, he still believed it.

So how could a God of mercy and love allow them to use the lives of millions of human slaves in Eternia as collateral damage? Moreover, how could he give a "technology" that would lead to massive destruction like this to humanity as a "gift"?

After that short message, Anton immediately called back. He could hear the excitement and relief in the young werewolf's voice, and that made him smile. However, the warmth only lasted for a few minutes until he asked Anton about what had happened to Dorian. The werewolf told him that the King somehow found out the truth behind Lucius's disappearance and was very much mad in rage.

Inevitably, he also mentioned the blood disease spreading quickly and widely among the human slaves and meat, affecting neophytes, and making them scared of sunlight and silver. And recently, it seemed the disease also began to affect some apostles.

Lucius then questioned him more about the disease, and Anton told him everything, including the appalling and excruciating death all the affected humans were facing.

No wonder why they were selling their own citizens to the vampires...They had planned it before he was even sent to Anthor.

Lucius felt sick. Because he was part of it. He was the reason that countless human slaves who had already suffered unimaginable torment and abuse for years would die from the blood disease in a few months.

Division Nine, his own families, and Florian...they all lied to him and used him. Had he known the price, he would never have given the blood to Anthor.

And now, they made him a monster.

He vomited everything he ate that day and sunk into a deep, hopeless depression. He called in sick, feeling himself burning like coal, and the high fever lasted for days. He didn't want help and vaguely hoped that he could just sleep and never wake up, so that he wouldn't have to face the horrendous consequence of his stupid attempt to make his father and his country proud.

He might have succeeded if Florian hadn't found him passed out in his bed, drenching in sweat, and driven him to the hospital.

He woke up to the smell of sanitizers and heard the beeping machine sounds, and Florian was in the reclining chair next to his bed, sleeping.

Lucius sat up and tore the IV needle out of his arm, not caring about the pain or the dripping blood. He soundlessly changed into the clean clothes folded on the nightstand and was about to leave.

"Where are you going?" Florian woke up by Lucious's movements.

Lucius didn't turn to look at him and replied with an icicle tone, "Home."

"Hold on a second. The doctor hasn't discharged you yet!" Florian stood up and grabbed Lucius's arm, "why didn't you call me when you were sick? You could have died!"

"I'm fine." Lucius pulled his arm out of Florian's grip.

Florian frowned, registering Lucius's change of attitude toward him, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Lucius forced his body to turn around, reminding himself that Division Nine could not know that he knew about the weapon. He managed to put a smile on his face, "I was just...frustrated that I missed several days of work, and I don't know if I still got the job."

Florian seemed relaxed a little, "You know you don't have to worry about money all the time, right? My offer still stands."

"No, Florian, I can't just let you be my sugar daddy." Lucius began to admire himself for being able to make sarcastic jokes while being absolutely fuming with the man. He was really good at lying.

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