Chapter 85 Amor Aeternus

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In the following decades and centuries, historians debated heatedly about what happened on that day during the Event Genesis, which completely reshaped the old world into the New Age. Many different theories came about, and no one agreed on anything.

Some said that God intervened and destroyed Lucius along with his lover, King Dorian, and then remade the world. Some suggested that Dorian killed Lucius to save the world and then died when he used his realm magic to reconstruct the destroyed lands. But most believed that Dorian persuaded Lucius to renounce the Devil, and the pair pushed the Devil back to Hell, and they died together after they exhausted their power to undo the damage.

No one knew exactly what happened, as the only two present people, Lucius and Dorian, disappeared after the Event Genesis. Many believed that they ascended to Godhood once they saved the world.

The only ones who were closest to the event as it happened were their daughter, son and the werewolf warrior Anton Nightingale, who later became the Great Chieftain of Three Clans. The three were in a bloody battle with an all-encompassing demon army, and each was exhausted and severely wounded, but just as they were perilously close to being overrun, all of a sudden, an energy storm erupted from the direction of Celestine Palace, and the demons around them evaporated. Adrian managed to summon a protective realm in time and kept him, Freya, and Anton mostly unharmed. Following the destructive explosion, a celestial golden wall with kaleidoscopic shimmers wiped across the entire city. Wherever it passed, all demonic creatures were pulverized into dust and embers, those gory, hellish growths fell from the buildings, and beautiful wildflowers and verdures sprouted on the wreckages of the Tranta city.

The most astonishing thing was that those mutating human and animal bodies all around the city miraculously reverted to their original form, and everyone killed during the Hell invasion opened their eyes in bewilderment as if woke from a nightmare, and they stood up one by one, finding their body entirely unscathed.

Most of the resurrected people didn't remember precisely what had happened to them after the Gate of Hell was opened. They only had a vague impression that it was something so horrible that they definitely didn't want to remember. One thing was sure, though, that they died, some for a week or so, others only a day or two.

Julian and Lewis were among the first ones to wake up. They sat up in confusion and saw Adrian, Freya and Anton standing not far away, gawking at them as if seeing ghosts.

Unlike the majority, Julian and Lewis remembered their death, and they didn't understand how it was possible that they were still breathing. But it no longer mattered because nothing was more important than falling into each other's arms and holding the other tight with all their strength.

The destroyed city Aeros was also revived as if the Nova bomb never fell, and all its citizens came back from death, their bodies rebuilt perfectly from scattered atoms. Florian was among them. He found himself in the pristine Starcry tower, all alone and unharmed, and was as disoriented as everyone else. He spent two days helping the city back to order and gathering information about what happened, and on the third day, a certain werewolf barged into his room and almost crushed him in a tight embrace.

Anton was crying, and he didn't care how it looked in the other people's eyes. He felt Florian's arms also wrapped around him, and he blurted out with a shaken voice, "I thought I lost you."

"Said I would wait for you, didn't I?" Florian closed his eyes and rested his head on Anton's broad shoulder.

Not everyone was resurrected, though. Archpriest Benedict, Silvan, Darius, the Anthor King, the Anthor Marshal, and several members of Division Nine and The Order remained dead. Some of their mangled body parts or ashes were found later.

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