Chapter 39 A Good Boy

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A fragment of memory returned to Dorian as he watched the video clip of his mother's execution from almost a decade ago. The Anthorians posted her "trial" and part of the execution process until they were about to light the pyre, and then it was cut to black lest the gruesome scene traumatized younger viewers.

But then images continued in his head, and he remembered the feeling of being trapped in a powerless human body and stowed away by a loyal guard. He couldn't do anything except watch his mum burn to ashes in the middle of Vespera Square. Her scream was echoing in his mind even now.

At that very moment, he felt like he was witnessing Queen Mitra Aslani's death all over again. His heart burned with his mother, evaporated all the hopes and only left despair,  emptiness, and hatred behind.

Hatred toward his father, humanity, and most of all, his incapability to protect his mother and let those monsters burn her alive.

And worst of all, all of these had happened many years ago, and according to the self-proclaimed consort of his, he had avenged his mother by defeating Anthor, forcing his father into hibernation and executing Concubine Devina in the same way his mother was murdered. All his surging, overwhelming feelings were yesterday's news, and he couldn't even do much about it.

Presently, Dorian sensed something encroaching. He snapped his attention to the source and saw a big, wolfish shadow creep out of the bush, gingerly approaching. Dorian was about to snarl at the audacious wolf to scare it away, but then, as the creature moved closer, a beam of moonlight shone on it, revealing a tall and slim beige color labrador retriever...

Dorian frowned.

What in the devil's name does a labrador do in the middle of nowhere at such an ungodly hour? He was sure the camping couple that he had just dined on didn't have a dog.

The labrador pitter-pattered toward him, big, bright, brown eyes locked on Dorian with so much gentle affection, the long tail wagging incessantly.

Dorian tsked his tongue and tried to shoo the dog away.

"Go. This place is dangerous." Dorian considered it briefly and modified his comment, "I am dangerous. I may eat you."

The lab came right before him and sat straight, two flappy ears moving slightly as he stared at Dorian, head slightly tilted.

Dorian tried to gesture with his hand, "Go away. Go to your mom and dad."

Not only didn't the dog move, but he also whimpered piteously.

Dorian sighed and decided to ignore the dog, thinking it was a lost pet from some other campers nearby. He couldn't linger here for too long as this place was too close to the highway and the forest service center, and people may notice the missing campers the next day.

He gathered some cash, clothes, and a paper map from the camp but didn't take any electronic device, as it was well-known that the Anthor government had trackers implemented on all devices produced and sold in their country. He took a few steps and heard the pitter-patter followed.

As the sunlight began to spill over the mountains, Dorian decided to find a shelter. The sunlight tingled on his skin, making him feeble and exhausted. It almost felt like the symptoms when he caught an especially severe vampire cold virus when he was only twenty years old.

Lucius told him it was because Anthorians developed a super virus using the Durchville Witch's blood, and they injected an especially lethal variance into him. He figured that was why he couldn't access much of his power, but he could sense they were still within him, just a bit out of reach.

Perhaps as Lucius made the bargain with Asmodian, the Elder cleaned out the virus?

He found a ramshackle cabin in the deeper parts of the pine wood, and the dog followed him in. The bedroom window was stuffed by a thick, overgrown bush and blocked out most of the sunlight. The bed was relatively intact, just very dusty. Dorian used one of the shirts he took from the campers to sweep off the dust as much as possible and sat on the bed.

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