Chapter 49 The Price of Revenge

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Lucius barely made it back to his room in the form of the crow and exerted the last strand of strength to clean himself up and clasped the collar back on his neck before he collapsed into the bed and passed out.

He killed Zephyr. Not with the assassins' hands, but his own.

It was too personal. He had to do it.

In Zephyr's aghast gaze, Lucius found another form that fitted the smoldering rage within him much better. His body grew twice in size. Rich, dark fur covered his ivory skin. His long, slim hands enlarged into two giant claws sharper than any knives. His delicate features shifted and elongated, morphing into a vicious, murderous wolf face with deadly, venomous fangs.

He chose Anton's werewolf form for his vengeance, which worked perfectly.

Not many things in this world could effectively slay an apostle, but werewolves' claws and fangs were vampires' natural nemesis. And though it might have been a bit overkill for a pretty boy like Zephyr, Lucius wanted him to feel the same fear he had felt when he was branded as a sex slave.

Zephyr didn't have a chance to scream before Lucius slit his throat open with one clean, fast swipe of his claw. And then, while watching the Karnath Prince choking on his blood and gasping for air, Lucius realized he felt...nothing.

No compunction, no doubt, no fear, no satisfaction, no joy. It felt like watching an insect struggling for its life before he moved his feet and crushed it.

He wasn't sure if it was his imagination, but for a moment, he heard Asmodian's chuckle.

The assassins jumped out of portals at 8, exactly the time Asmodian mentioned, but they didn't find Dorian Ashdown. Instead, they were petrified by the bloody murder scene.

Blood was everywhere, and the Karnath Prince was torn into pieces. His long, elegant limbs were no longer attached to his torso, and his beautiful face was lying in the blood puddle, eyes wide open, fixed on an expression of horror.

The four assassins knew something was wrong and began to resummon a portal to retreat. However, before the last one could leave, a werewolf suddenly lunged at him from the shadow, tackling him to the ground.

The portal closed instantly as the other three assassins saw the attack and abandoned their companion. The assassin struggled fiercely but was knocked out by a blow to his head.

The werewolf panted heavily, and then an iridescent glare flashed in his eyes, and Lucius changed his form again. This time, he shifted himself into Zephyr.

Apparently, fervent hatred alone was enough to establish a connection between him and the Karnath Prince. When Zephyr's blood splashed on his face and went into his mouth, he felt the familiar pulling feeling right before he gained any new forms, like absorbing a drop of water into a pool.

Zephyr and his mother were both Makeda-line vampires, and their most renowned ability was fire manipulation. They were also the only line of vampires who couldn't be harmed by fire. And though Zephyr's half-werewolf blood might have hindered his gifts, the fire still burned in his lineage. Lucius felt the warmth of their blood coursing through his veins as he took Zephyr's form, and he followed the body's instinct to let it pour out through every pore on his skin.

The assassin woke torn from the blessed unconsciousness by the excruciating pain of burning, and he screamed. But the relentless fire engulfed him with such fierceness that it charred his throat and every organ within seconds.

Shortly after, hearing the assassin's scream, the guards rushed into the arboretum and found Prince Zephyr and an assassin's remains. Several minutes later, the handmaid Jenny's mutilated body was also discovered not far away from the arboretum.

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