Chapter 76 What Really Happened

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 Fifteen minutes before the impact, Anton barged into Florian's room and grabbed his arm while shouting through the exigent siren alarm blaring above the entire Aeros.

"We are leaving!"

Florian followed him out of the room without resistance. He had a vague idea of what was happening, "Anthor is about to strike, aren't they?"

Anton's silence confirmed his surmise. He proceeded to ask, "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere we will be safe," Anton answered vaguely. He didn't want Florian to freak out upon knowing they were going to Eternia. He couldn't afford any time wasted at the moment.

They caught up with Adrian and Freya with about six vamplings, all newly turned vampires who hadn't developed their abilities.

They ran all the way up the tower. Yet, just as they approached the top floor, a portal opened before them, cutting off their way up.

They came to a sudden halt, and before they had the time to turn around, several ogres jumped out of the portal and pounced at them. Anton reacted fast. He instantaneously transformed into his werewolf form and smashed two ogres' heads against the crude wall, busting them open like watermelons.

"Turn around!" Anton shouted. However, another portal opened right behind them, trapping them between two floors. And from it stepped out two apostles vampires, each wearing The Order's masks. One of them grabbed a vampling, who unfortunately stood too close to the portal, and the vampling's skin instantly began to blister and rot. It was Nergal-line's magic. The magic of disease and rot.

Adrian roared furiously, and the iridescent light erupted in his eyes. His body grew bulkier and much taller, and two giant horns emerged from his head. Volcanic shells crusted over his skin, and the fire of Hell simmered underneath. The heat of the fire lake seeped through the crevices of the crusts and dripped to the floor like sizzling lava. His arms were layered with muscles tougher than steel, and the two hands developed into giant, deadly and poisonous claws sharper than any knife in the mundane world. His elegant features sharpened and hardened. Two rows of tiny sharp spikes grew from his cheekbones. His irises turned into a horizontal slit, and his teeth became rows after rows of fangs.

It was the form of an archdemon from Hell. For a child born in Hell and had the Devil as his "godfather," Adrian was familiar with many forms of Hell creatures, yet he was terrifying in vampires' eyes.

Adrian let out a thunderous growling and lunged at the two apostles. He shoved one of the apostles into the wall, the sharp claw dug into the vampire's stomach, and from his palm, the hottest hellfire poured into the Nergal-line apostle's body. The vampire screamed in extreme agony as his body melted from the inside. The other apostle, however, was a Makeda-line apostle, an especially strong one nonetheless, and she was immune to fire, even hellfire.

She took out a dagger that was casted with the similar type of silver-like metal that Silvan's sword was made of. It was not silver and not any usual metal. The Elder of War and Violence, Morrigan, left some of her blood to her most devoted scions, and if the blood was added into any metal during the smithing process, the metal would be transformed into the liquid silver-like substance, and any weapon forged from it is capable of inflicting severe injury and even death upon anything, including apostles, werewolves, demons, and even angels.

Morrigan's devotees donated the blood to The Order in ancient times, and they were forged into several relic weapons and were used to eliminate Asmodian's First Generations. The dagger and Silvan's sword were both from the priceless collection.

Adrian didn't know all these histories about the metal, but he instinctively knew it was something dangerous when it left a painful slash on his arm.

She was a fierce and exceptional nimble fighter, and the narrow stairway limited Adrian movement in his current form. Soon she left several deep cuts on Adrian's back and chest, and with one slick move, she deeply wounded Adrian's ankle.

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