Chapter 36 The New Vampire

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Lucius read about the experience of turning into a vampire when he was the Prince Consort in Eternia, as he used to ponder the possibility of letting Dorian turn him. According to the books, each human experienced the transforming process with a certain level of individuality, but one thing was in common: they all had to die for a very short period of time.

Lucius's death only lasted less than two minutes, but to him, it felt much, much longer.

When Asmodian's blood took over his body, it felt like every inch of his skin was melting, and his organs shut down one by one. The agony was excruciating and overwhelming, and for a brief moment, he was terrified. But soon, he sank into a comfortable, warm darkness, and just as people said, memories of his entire life flashed across his eyes.

He saw him and his brother's birth. Saw the first time he spoke the word "mum". The first time he tried ice cream. First time crying. First time tasting the rain. First sunrise. First kiss. First heartbreak. First time meeting Dorian. First time falling in love. First black forest cake by the sea.

He re-experienced every moment of those memories as if they were happening simultaneously. His last memory was from several nights ago when they made love for the first time after two years of long, devastating separation.

Death, in the end, was not painful. In fact, it was pretty peaceful. But when he returned from it. He felt a tempest was raging in him. Every cell had regenerated. Every drop of blood was reformed. Black, sensual, paramount power surged through every vein and nerve. It felt invigorating and...ecstasy, ten-fold better than the best sex climax he had ever had.

He opened his eyes, and the world was different before his eyes. He saw many more indescribable colors, smelled tremendous layers of odors, and his sensations connected to everything in this world. He could see, taste, and feel the emotions and motivations of the men and women around him, even though he couldn't read their thoughts.

He heard Asmodian's electric voice echoing in his mind.

"Now, dance. My little vampire."

Lucius grinned at a dumbfounded Dan, and said with all the venom in his heart, "It's time to pay, you despicable worms."

No one saw it was coming. Just as the first hunter was about to light the pyre under Dorian's feet, a soul-shattering roar boomed on the side of the clearing. The young man who was "the other twin," the famous "vampire bride," the traitor and sinner that no one paid much attention to during the whole execution display, drastically changed into something else while no one was watching.

Emerald scales harder than diamonds pushed out of Lucius's alabaster skin, his irises turned golden, and his pupils elongated. His body grew larger and larger until it exceeded perception, and six giant sword-like horns spiked out of his skull. Immense wings opened under his arms, covering half of the sky.

All the hunters, including Archpriest Benedict, Jessica Emerson, and Lord Rosenfield, all petrified in disbelief. Their eyes widened, and their mouths gaped. For almost a minute, they questioned their eyes and senses and couldn't comprehend what they were seeing.

A hunter mumbled, "Is that a fucking dragon?"

A real, living, fire-breathing dragon.

To be more precise, it was the dragon from The Dragon Rider. The World Devourer Ragan. But none could make that connection at the moment.

Perhaps it was because it was the last memory before Lucius was turned. Perhaps he hoped that Dorian could have seen the dragon he loved as a little kid come to rescue him. Perhaps it was the first powerful creature that came to his mind. Even Lucius couldn't be sure.

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