Chapter 12 Not Time to Breathe

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Despite his relatively young age, Anton had been trained to be a formidable warrior since he was only seven years old. He could handle multiple mediocre neophyte vampires readily and even overpower the strongest apostle fighters in one-on-one combats.

Nonetheless, he knew he would have a hard time if more than three well-trained apostle warriors attacked him together.

And now, they had five at hand.

"I will try my best to stall them. You just run!"Anton's voice deepened into a growl as he spontaneously transformed into the gigantic beast. His height doubled as bulky muscles pushed out and tore his clothes, and long, black fur covered every inch of his body. He let out a thunderous, ground-shaking roar and lunged toward the five apostles.

However, just as he was about to pounce on one of the vampires, an ominous purple light on the ground began to glow ominously, and Anton suddenly dropped to the ground as if being sucked down by an unseen force. He snarled in rage, thrashing around, trying to break free from the invisible shackle. Meanwhile, three apostles surrounded him quickly and began to chant in unison. Anton's struggle abruptly stopped. His pupil dilated, and his breath shortened. His body was petrified in place as if he saw something absolutely horrifying.

Meanwhile, the other two vampires marched toward Lucius.

The second Lucius saw the circle show up on the ground all of a sudden, he knew this was a trap designed explicitly for them. They would kill Anton if he didn't do anything right away.

And the only thing that could save them now, was Asmodian's blood.

He had to drink the blood and use whatever power came with it to save them both.

Lucius didn't have time to hesitate. The blood was in the backpack that Anton dropped on the ground when they leaped out of the car, and it was lying about a dozen steps away from him. He sprinted toward the backpack with all his might, praying he could reach it before the apostles got to him.

He lunged at the backpack while one of the apostles was only a few steps toward him. He was about to tear the bag open to find the blood. Yet a faint, rhythmic beeping sound from within the bag caught his attention.

It was coming from the package Catalina gave them!

If the Weeping Raven had already decided to sell and kill them for whoever wanted them dead, what could be in that package that Catalina requested them to "deliver"?

In a millisecond, Lucius had to make a decision of life and death. Hundreds of thoughts churned in his mind, and he moved before he even knew what he was about to do.

At the very instant when the beeping stopped, Lucius threw the backpack toward the vampire, who was only about five steps away from him, and then he ran and jumped as far as he could.

The backpack exploded in the vampire's hand, and the shockwave was so powerful that Lucius felt like a car was running into him, and he was blasted into the air and landed on the cliff's edge.

The shockwave also blasted one of the chanting vampires away, breaking the magic they used to trap Anton. The werewolf shook his head as if waking up from a nightmare, and he immediately lunged at the vampire closest to him and bit down hard on her neck. Two other vampires

The apostle who caught the backpack was blown into many pieces, though still alive, he couldn't do much damage to anyone anymore. Two other vampires took out their guns and shot at Anton, but the werewolf reacted very little to the bullets and jumped at them in wroth.

The last apostle vampire managed to evade the explosion and darted toward Lucius. Lucius tried to run, but how could a human outrun the speed of a vampire? Presently the vampire pounced at him like a panther and crashed him to the ground. The vampire's relentless hand choked at Lucius's throat so hard that Lucius felt like his neck was about to be broken. The immense pressure turned his face red, and his vision darkened.

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