Chapter 25 Fallen Angel

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Lucius woke up from a nightmare, and for a few seconds, he thought it was all a bad dream and everything was okay. However, the moldy ceiling of the cell room soon called back his memories, and reality dawned on him like a toppling rogue wave.

As Dorian fell into hibernation after he exhausted all his power, the Anthorians marched in, trying to breach into the unfathomable realm Dorian created. Anton tried to take Lucius away, but Lucius refused.

"You need to leave. I will stay." He told the werewolf.

"Lucius! He is gone! He wouldn't have wanted you to..."

"He is not dead. Hibernation is not death." Lucius said resolutely, "I will stay. This is my decision."

"This is not a rational decision!" Anton shouted urgently, "I will knock you out if I have to!"

However, Lucius was eerily calm in contrast to Anton's paroxysm, like a lake of tranquil water standing indifferently before an erupting volcano. He stared directly into Anton's eyes and said, "Are you going to take away my choice like my family did?"

And that hit Anton like a bolt of lightning. He gaped at Lucius, starting to understand that it was not an irrational decision made in grief after all. And the realization pierced Anton's heart, making the beating organ bleed wistfully.

Almost everyone in Eternia, including the King himself, believed that Lucius had never really loved Dorian Ashdown, that everything was just a performance, a lie. Yet, perhaps, they were all wrong.

Lucius loved Dorian, more profound than anyone could fathom.

"If I leave now, I may never see him again." Lucius grabbed Anton's hand and whispered from the bottom of his heart, "You have to let me go."

The Anthorians were getting closer. The heavy tanks' steel treads and the infantry's thumping steps stirred up a rolling cloud of dust.

Eventually, Anton had to leave so he wouldn't be caught by the humans. Lucius was taken back to the Silver Keep military base and transferred to Tranta along with Dorian's hibernating body.

Lucius was locked into the cell under Division Nice's headquarters and incarcerated for over two weeks. No one came and talked to him nor interrogated him. He was left there alone as if they had forgotten about him.

But Lucius was not panicking this time because he knew someone would come to him sooner or later. And he had been waiting patiently.

This was not their end.

Whatever doom fate, his country, and his family had decided to impose on Dorian and him, he would not accept it anymore. From now on, he would fight for Dorian and himself and nothing else.

No matter how impossible it seemed, Lucius decided to find a way to make it work, and he swore it on his very existence.

At the end of the month, someone finally opened his cell door.

The guard stepped aside, and Lord Rosenfield stepped into the bleak white light. His elegant but often harsh countenance softened subtly, and the gaze he gave his son was verging on gentle.

Lucius sat on the bed, returning his father's unreadable stare. The fatherly tenderness in those piercing eyes made Lucius slightly uneasy.

"Why are you here?" Lucius asked.

Lord Rosenfield said, "I come to check on you, son. They told me you were not hurt, but I suppose it is not entirely true."

"I'm not hurt." Lucius replied coldly, "Now you can go."

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