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Eric Pillar took longer to come back home tonight than he normally did. Greg did not tell him about any detours which meant he probably had last minutes plans. Chicago glanced at his watch seeing the time going for past eight already. He has been parked out here for close to three hours. Usually, Eric drives in at exactly six O'clock every night on weekdays, except Fridays when he comes home with his seven year old daughter who lives with her mother.

Chicago sighed, tapping his steering wheel. He really wanted to get this over and done with. He had already blessed Eric with two more days to live beyond his deadline. If Vincent starts snooping around, he'll find out about Igor, and that's the last thing he needs.

His eyes shot up when he saw car lights beaming onto the five bedroom mansion. And there rode in Eric's black Porsche. Chicago sighed, finally the man was back home. He glanced at his watch again seeing 8:37 pm. He looked up and saw the garage door close before he made his move. He got out of his car, looking up for the cameras and noted them exactly where Greg told him they will be. He knew all the blindspot, and quite frankly they were too many. Eric should fire his entire security company in the next few minutes because after that he will be dead. Chicago chuckled at his own thoughts, before climbing the black iron fence.

He landed with a thud on the moist soil in Eric's yard, his ankle slightly twisting but soon found his balance.

"Shit!" He cursed, looking up to see if he still managed to dodge the camera on the hedge of Eric's house. He nodded as soon as he noted he was safe.

He sneaked up to the house and leaned against the wall. He slide against the wall, heading for the glass door that was at the pool side. Pressing his back harder against the wall when he saw the pool's glistening water. He released a breath he didn't know he was holding, before turning and sliding to the wall of the pool area and slid towards the glass door.

He fished for a small black rectangular box, before fixing his hoodie on top of his head. He sank down to his knees and started picking at the door, sighing when he heard the click sound. One thing about Eric that Chicago knew all thanks to Greg, is that Eric always forgot to set his alarm. And when he slide the door he was pleased to find out tonight was one of those nights he forgot. And his house had no cameras inside.

Chicago wondered as to who wanted this man dead when he seems like an unproblematic dude. He shook his head ridding the thoughts an assassin should not have during a mission. He heard a cluttering sound, making him to pause and listen carefully. Then he heard Eric groan and giggle.

Chicago frowned, heading towards the kitchen where he could still hear unruly movements. And when he got to the kitchen entrance, he saw Eric staggering around the mess of dishes he made on the floor, heading towards the sink, singing a tune Chicago could not recognise. Chicago shook his head like a disappointed father when he noted the forty- six year old man was drunk.

"I don't need no fuckin' whores," Eric slurred, pointing his finger to the running water he was pouring into a glass.

He chuckled after his foul statement and closed the water that was now overflowing in his glass. He groaned pouring out some of the water before lifting the glass to his lips. Probably a drop landed on his tongue when he gagged and glared at the transparent content. He groaned again, ditching the glass beside his sink.

Chicago pushed himself against the wall when Eric turned around. He didn't know as to why he was watching the man but he felt sorry for him. He appeared sad and miserable.

Once Eric had staggered out of the kitchen turning to the staircase, Chicago gripped the back of his shirt, hearing a surprised gasp.

"What?" Eric asked stupidly, as he got dragged, and he was looking around like the drunk man he was, not understanding a figment of what was happening to him.

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