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Chicago felt his nerves rise as he stood in the kitchen in daunting silence with Igor cleaning up. He didn't know what to say to Igor when he got upset to the point that every word uttered to him is deemed offensive. He fished for his box of cigarettes from his black sweatpants and a lighter. He had just stuck a cigarette in his mouth and was about to light it when a knock came.

"Finally," Igor breathed rushing to the door, capturing Chicago's attention.

Chicago tried to hear what was being said but could not decipher a single word finally losing interest. He lifted his lighter to his cigarette when the door open wider and an older gentleman walked in wearing a black knee length coat, black suit underneath, a white shirt paired with a red tie, and a navy scarf falling over his shoulders. He was clutching a brief case to his chest, his hazel eyes fixed on Chicago with interest.

"This is Mr. Winston! He's a therapist," Igor beamed introducing the man to Chicago.

Chicago snatched the cigarette hanging between his lips out.

"A what!" He exclaimed.

"I told you we need a therapist to work on our communication," he explained.

Chicago chuckled but immediately stopped when he noted Igor was being serious.

"We don't need a shrink, Igor," he breathed.

"That's not what you said three days ago when you described our relationship as toxic!"

"It was in the verge of anger! People say things they don't mean when angry!"

"Also," the therapist interject, pointing his index finger up. "People also voice out the truth in the middle of a heated conversation. Now, how about we sit down and talk things through," he said already heading to the living room.

"Good idea doctor!" Igor beamed giving Chicago a look that said, 'be nice,' as he heads to the living room as well.

"Aren't these sessions for couples? Because we are not!" Chicago scoffed even though he followed both men.

Mr. Winston dragged a ottoman so he could sit in front of them while Igor and Chicago sat on the big couch leaving more than enough space between.

"It's not necessarily for couples. Therapy is to fix any broken relationship," Mr. Winston corrected.

Chicago huffed, folding his arms over his chest.

"Our sexual relationship is fine! We don't need to communicate. We're in sync!"

Igor glared at him, as Mr. Winston opens his note book.

"When did this sexual relationship start?" Mr. Winston asked, making air quote with his fingers.

"It didn't start as a sexual relationship. We were dating first..."

Chicago snorted cutting Igor off and gaining the therapist attention.

"That's not how I recall it. We meet at a bar, Igor. Got wasted and came here and fucked! It's started off as a sexual relationship and ended as one!"

"And in between the year when you lied to me that you murder people for a living, what was happening then?"

Chicago gasped, looking at the therapist frantically, but Mr. Winston laughed and waved his hand.

"Feel free. I work with mafias and king pins, they're fucked up too. They need me! An assassin is the least of my worries," he said.

"Where did you get this guy, Igor? From the black market?"

"Woah! Now that is offensive!" Mr. Winston interjected pointing his index finger up.

CHICAGO BULLOCK: LOVE & PAINWhere stories live. Discover now