Chapter 2

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Park Rin Ah POV

"I told you dont wait for me,mom.I dont want you to sick again."I said to my mother.She always wait for me back from work outside the house.

"Its okay.I want to."She reply and smile.

"Go to sleep.You had took your pills right?"I asked.

She only smile and get into the house.I feel curious.I get inside and go to the kitchen.

"I knew it! She even not touch the pills."I feel sad.She always like this.If I ask her to take care of her health, she will not listen to me and said she wants to die.

I am tired.My father had passed away and he left many debt for us.We always run from the gangster that want his money back.You know who I means.Thats why I must work. I dont have enough money to pay house rent.

Sad life right?



"Hyung I want to ask you something."I ask J Hope hyung.
"What"He said lazily.
"Do you remember the girl at the bus stop?That arrogant girl?"I ask again."Yes,why?"J Hope hyung glare at me."How do you know her.I mean know that she is arrogant?"I ask carefully.I want to know about that girl because my revenge to her not finish yet.Because of her Jin hyung not buy me that new arrival eyeliner.

"Why u want to know?Do u like her?Auwww..Our alien is falling in love now."J Hope hyung said and pinch my cheeks.

"Not hyung.I dont like arrogant girl.I just want to know."I push J hope hyung hand from pinching my cheeks.

"Okay okay.Me,Jin and Jungkook eat at the Lavender Cafe and saw her.I try to talk to her and she only give me a killer look I think.Jungkook also ask her name but she glares and leaves.I think she work at the cafe."
J Hope hyung tell me.

"Oooh.Must the cafe will bankrupt because of her.Hahaha.To arrogant and make the customers dont want to come to the cafe again."I laugh.

"You wrong actually.She is pretty.Although her behaviour like that,people will melt to look at her face.She doesn look like Korean.I think she has mix American-Korean."Jungkook suddenly appear nowhere.

"Pretty but arrogant.Huh!"I said and get into my room.


Jungkook POV

I go to the Lavender Cafe.I dont know why but I think I like to see that girl.I often go to this cafe and stalk her.

She never talk to boy.She will talk to them to take order only.Many boy want to talk to her but she ignores them.'There is something that make her like that.'I said to myself.

"May I take your order please?"The girl ask me.I smile."Wait.I think you had come to this cafe for one weeks."She said.This is first time I heard her voice talking other than take an order.

"Yes.I am Jungkook and you?"I try to ask her again."Your order please."She ask.Try to change the topic.

"I will take an order if you give me your name."Jungkook said."Then,you dont want to take any order I will leave."She said."If you leave,I will tell your boss.Maybe he will fired you."I blackmailed her.


Park Rin Ah POV

What the.Whats wrong with this man.Urgh!I must to tell my name or he will report to the boss.Its okay.I can lie my name.Maybe my name is Gayoon.Hahaha.It is a big release this cafe not give a name tag to their workers.

"My name is Ga...."

"Rin Ah,help me please."I cant finish my word until Yoona yell my name from the kitchen.Argh ,Yoona!!Now everyone know my name.She is a new workers here.Maybe she doesnt know.

"I see,Rin Ah is your name.Beautiful name like your face."That boy said.
"We can be friends from now on."He smile.

I left him and help Yoona in the kitchen.I ask Minzy to take his order.He is annoying.

"Sorry Rin Ah.I dont know that you dont want people to know your name except for your friends.Minzy told me just now."Yoona said to me when I stand near her.

"Its okay then.Dont do it again please."I said to her.

"But why?Why you dont want people to know about you or your name."
Yoona ask.

"Secret.Stop talking.What you want me to help?"I ask her.I dont like people know about me.I am not ready to let people know who the true me.

Done chapter 2.Sorry if it boring.Comment and vote.Wait for the next chapter.Why Rin Ah not tell people about her?

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