Chapter 12

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Park Rin Ah POV

I am tired because the whole night I went out with Jin oppa.I sleep until I didnt relise it is 8 in the morning.

omo!I not prepare their breakfast.I am a maid.How can a maid not do her work.Thay pay me!

I wash my face and brush my teeth as faster as I can.

I run to the kitchen and they are having their breakfast.It must Jin oppa cooks.

"Are you awake?Lets it together."J Hope oppa grab my hand and ask me to sit down.

I feel very guilty."M..m.mianhae.I suppose to prepare breakfast for u guys.I just a maid here."I start to cry.I dont know why I be so emotional.



Its been a long time I didnt see her cry.Now everyone panicked.

"Dont cry.Its ok.We know you tired after you went out with Jin hyung."Suga speak.His face is still cool but his voice show that he really panicked.

"Yes Rin Ah.Dont worry.I dont care at all."Jin said.

"Besides you are not really our maid.You are our dongseng."Rap Monster also try to comfort her.

Suddenly Jungkook stand and hug her from behind."Dont cry.I cant see you like this."Jungkook whisper to her but I can hear what he say.My heart is about to blow.

"Waaa..maknae,you hug our dongseng."Jimin said and pout.

"You are shameless."J Hope said.
Rin Ah stop crying.Well,she will get it from me!


Rin Ah POV

It so embrassed.I dont know why I cry infront of them but it is really embrassing.

When Jungkook hug me,I dont know,I feel calm.Its like how V hug me when I sad 5 years ago.I can see how red his face when Jungkook hug me.But I didnt ask Jungkook to do that.

I went to the park nearer to calm my mind.Suddenly i hear a step come towards my direction but i ignore it.

"Cooh huh?"I hear a deep voice.I turn to see who is it.

"Oh its you.What so cool?"I ask him.
"Its cool when people hug you from behind huh?"V said.Why he look angry?

"Why you must care if Jungkook hug me.You are no one to my life."I said.

"Wierd.You talk to all my hyungs and Jungkook politely accept me.You still remember me right?But you pretend that you dont know me because you angry with me.I left you 5 years ago."He raise his eyebrow.

I bit my lips.I am a bad actor.Now he knows.

"You keep silent.Its mean I am right."He smile.

"Rin Ah,hear what I said.5 years ago,I didnt mean to left you like that.Never!After I met you on the rooftop of the school I went home and my parents said that we must to move to Japan that night.My father have a new business there.I has no time to tell you about this."V explain to me.

I burst into tears."Now,what you want from me!"I yell.

"I want you back.I love you.I love you since 5 years ago."He said and hug me thighly.

I cry on his chest and make his cloth wet with my tears.



I made it.I explain to her.I hope she understand me. I can feel my cloth is wet but I dont care at all.As long as she is by my side.she is my love.

After she calm,I ask her...

"Would you be my girlfriend?"I said and blush.


Please vote and comment.Thanks for reading.sorry for mistakes.

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