Chapter 6

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Park Rin Ah POV

I dont know why I accept Jungkook's crazy idea to work at his house.He said that he is a model.He lives with his 6 hyung that also a model.

It means I must to live with 7 boys.Its okay.I hope there are no bad things happend.

"Are you ready?"Jungkook ask me.I smile and nod.He is kind.

"Dont worry.You will like my hyung(s)."Jungkook grab my hand.He likes to do that.

"I love you,Rin Ah.I really love you.Even who are you."He said slowly.

"Kookie."I call him."You call me Kookie.You're cute.Kyeopta.I wish you are my girlfriend."Jungkook touch my hair and make it mess.


We arrive at his house.So big!How I can clean a big house like this.

"Kaja."Jungkook grab my hand and we get into the house.No one....

"Hyung!"Jungkook yell to call his hyung I think.My heart is pump faster.Nervous u know.

"Yes.We come!"I hear a voice..then I see all of them and there is V!I dont know that he live here with Jungkook! I must pretend that I dont know him like before.

He seems shoked to see me but I ignore him.
"Waaa,I know you.You work at the Levender Cafe right.You are that arrogant girl!" A boy that idk his name said."Mianhae."I bow.

"She is not arrogant J Hope hyung."Jungkook back up me."Ok,lets introduce ourselves.Yobeseyo,Rap Monster imnida.I am leader at this house."Bow.
Ok,his hair is blonde,I can remember him.

"Yobeseyo,Jin imnida.I am the eldest."Bow.Ok he is handsome.

"Hye,J Hope imnida."Bow.He is the boy that try talk to me at the Levender Cafe long time ago.

"Suga imnida."Bow.He is white.

"Hye preety,Jimin imnida."bow and wink at me.He is the shortest but he is cute.

And...his turn...

"Yobeseyo,you know me."V said and everyone look at him.

"Ermm...I dont know you."I said."Hyung,stop joking and introduce yourself."Jungkook said.

"I'm V.Kim Taehyung."He said and look at me.

"Ok,now introduce yourself."Rap Monster ask me.

"Anneyeong.Park Rin Ah imnida.Please take care good of me."Bow and smile.

"Nice name."Jimin oppa wink.His eyes hurt or what?He winks at me for a few time.

"Ok,now I will show your room."Jungkook take my bag and he show my room.

"Waa,so pretty and big." I said.He laugh."I hope you will enjoy being a maid here.Tell me if u need anything."He smile and leave me alone in this room.

I hope I can pretend infront of V that I not know him.I want he feel how I felt for 5 years.Serve him right.

I unpack my things.Everyone not know what happend between me and V.I hope V not tell them.They also dont know about my family except for Jungkook because I had tell him anything about my family.

Now,my new house,my new live but it still the old me.

Rin Ah be a maid in their house.Like I said before,they are not BTS in this fanfic.They are a model that live together.Sorry for typos,broken english and bored.

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