Chapter 8

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Park Rin Ah POV

I feel boring.Why it took so long journey to arrive at Jungkook's photoshoot place.

Jungkook had fall asleep.Maybe he is to tired.

I yawning for several time.I fall asleep after my 7th yawn.


Jungkook POV

I wake up and I feel something heavy on my shoulder.

Rin Ah?She is sleeping.Kyeopta.

I stalk her face.She is beautiful.No wonder many boys try talk to her.Why he ignore all of the boys?

I think he keeps many secret.I only know about her family secret.

I must know about her.


We arrive!I wake up Rin Ah slowly.

"Rin Ah,we had arrive.Wake up my darling." I said.

She wake up and I can see her face is shocked."Did I sleep on your shoulder."She asks me.

I nodded and smile.

"Oh,mianhae Kookie,I didnt realise that I sleep on your shoulder.It must be hurt."Rin Ah said while touch my shoulder slowly.

She had sleep on my shoulder for more than 1 hour.Actually it not hurt but I like because she take care of me.

"Its ok dear.Lets go."I grab her hand and we get out from the car.


Rin Ah POV

I feel guilty.I know that I sleep on his shoulder for a long time.His shoulder must be hurt.

I only feel guilty.Not take care of him.I am not fall in love with him.

I follow him to the photoshoot place.I wait him at the side.He changes his cloth for many times and take many photo.He look charismatic.

I feel bored and I go to a cafe.I buy a Cappuchino Latte.I walk and suddenly I bump into a woman and my drink now is on her beautiful dress.Really,I think she is a model.

"What are you doing.Dont you have any eyes?You know how much this cloth!She yell at me.

Her voice is familiar but never mind.I have a big problem now.

"I am sorry.I didnt mean to.I am sorry."I keep saying sorry.Oh no,what must I do?

"Wait,it is you Rin Ah?What a small world."The woman said.

I look at her face carefully.Its Nana!

"You always make me on trouble, idiot.Your poor and ugly.

Done chapter 8.I read my own fanfic and there are many typos,wrong spelling and grammar.Sorry guys if you see all that mistakes.I will update soon.

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