Chapter 3

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5 years ago....

Park Rin Ah POV

"Hey poor girl.Hahaha."Nana,my classmates laugh at me."Your bag is ugly.Same like your face.Hahaha."I just keep quiet.She always like that.

She always insult me.It is because I am poor.Not rich like anybody in this school.

"Your father doesnt have money to give you a beautiful bag?"Nana keep talking bad about me and my family.

"Oh,I forget your father only know how to take people money.He dont know how to FIND money."Nana laugh with all of the people in the class.I run outside the class and go to the rooftop of this school and cry there.

I heard a footstep and sit besides me.I know who."Stop crying.I said before, if you sad I will be there for you."He said.

"V,why people dont want to be friend to the poor people like me?"I asked my bestfriend,V.

"Not everyone.I want to be friends with you.Maybe more than that."V smile and show his teeth.

"You know how to make me laugh chingu."I smile.

"Give me a hug ,chingu."V said and open his arms.I hug him.I love him but I think he only treat me like a friends.

"Promise me that you will never leave me."I ask him.

"Okay."We make a pinky promise.

The next day

I wait V infront of his class.But I cant see him anywhere."Rin Ah,right?" A man ask me suddenly."Yes I am."I smile.I know him.He is Baekhyun (EXO) ,V's friend.

"You wait for V?"He ask."Nae."I nodded."Aaa...You dont know,he had move to Japan."Baekhyun said." I shocked."I must to go.Bye." He left me.

"You promised that you will never leave me."I cry there.Many people look at me but I ignore them.

Back to the time

No one POV

"I dont want people know about my father or my family.People will dont want to be friends with me."Thats why Rin Ah dont want people know about her.Her father stole and take people money bacause he is desprate.He loves his family.



"Ouch"I hear the girl said."I am sorry.I didnt mean to" I said.I step on her foot.Oh,It is embrassed me.

"Its okay.Wait,its you,V?"The girl ask."I try to remember her."Nana right?"I remember now.My old schoolmates.

"Yes,its me.Long time no see.5 years I think."Nana said.

"How about that poor girl.Your bestfriend right?Rin Ah her name I guess."Nana make a annoying face.

"I dont know about her.We not meet after I move to Japan."I make a fake smile. "Ooo,I see.You has girlfriend?"
Nana ask me."No."I smile."Ok.This is my num.We can meet again."Nana said and left me after give me her num card.

Rin Ah....Its been along time I not hear about her.After I move to Japan I try to contact her but I failed.I miss her.

Where is she right now?She is okay?I hope I can meet her again.Five years ago,I remember,she always cry because Nana always insult her.I love her but I think she just want to be my chingu.She is my first love.

Waaa..many mysteries right.I think this story is boring...Should I move on or delete this story.Comment and vote.Sorry if it boring,typos and broken English ~>_

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