Chapter 14

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I try to find Rin Ah around the mall.But I cant see her everywhere.Maybe I can meet her at home.She had go home maybe.
So I decide to go back at our house.


"I home."I said and run to Rin Ah's room ignore everyone eyes are looking at me.But she is not here.I want tell her the truth.I cant live without her.This all Nana's fault.

"Where,Rin Ah?"Suga hyung ask me."I have a problem."I say and my tears start to fall.Everyone in the house shock and ask me what happend.Well,I told them everything.

"Maybe she is at Minzy's house.She is working at Levender Cafe.They are bestfriend and Rin Ah is an exworker at Levender Cafe.."jungkook told us after I finish my story.I know Minzy.Rin Ah had tell me about her.

"Ya,I think so."Jin hyung tap my shoulder.

"I dont know where is Minzy's house."I say."Well I know."Jungkook smile widely.

"How can you know." Rap Monster hyung ask." is my "I dont hear what the last word he say.

"What...She is your what?"J Hope hyung look curious.

"My gf"Jungkook say and smile widely."Maknae,you dont tell u about this before.You have a girlfriend and she is Rin Ah friend."Jimin grab Jungkook head and mess his hair.

"Stop it you two.I want to find Rin Ah.Jungkook,show me the way."I say with cold tone.

Then we go to Minzy's house.

Rin Ah POV

"Hello Minzy ah!"I yell at the phone.

"Wowowo,you think I am deaf?"She said."Sorry.Minzy,I need your favour please."I ask.
"What is it?"She ask and I tell her everything about V and me.I live with Yoona and I ask her for not tell anyone.I know the boys will ask Minzy where is me and I dont want minzy to worried.

She agree.Now I am save.

I miss V but what he had to me really make me sad.I had told Yoona about this and she say that I must to hear V explanation but I dont care.I had see he hug Nana infront of my eyes.


Yoona POV

Rin Ah had been hurt so much since she is little.I understand if she hard to believe people but I think she should hear the explanation from V.

I am eating with Rin Ah and suddenly my phone ring."Yobeseyo."I say."Yoona.Its me,Minzy."I walk away from dining table and left Rin Ah alone.

We have a plan actually.We want to make them a happy couple again.

"Yea,why?"I ask her."This night you must bring Rin Ah at the park.Do what ever you want but she must be there at 11 pm."Minzy say."Aigoo,its difficult.If she dont want to go what should I do then."I mess my hair.

"Dont worry.We will make her to come.This is the plan....."


Rin Ah POV

Who is callng Yoona.Its take a long time and I eat alone.After I finish my food I wash my dishes and Yoona come to me.

"Who is calling you.You take a long time.You make me eat alone.Wait,why your face look sad."I ask her.She looks very sad and make me worry.

"Nothing....Rin Ah."She call my name and I look at her.

"Why,you have problem?"I ask her.

"I have no problem but,....V have a big problem."Yoona say and her eyes is teary.My heart pump very fast.

"W..w..whats wrong with him." I ask.I feel worried right now.

"He had a very bad fever.He is burning very hard.He is at the park and dont want to go home and make his condition worst.Now he is at the park.He say he miss you very much."Yoona say and I feel my heart is blowing right now.

"Lets go and meet him."I grab Yoona hand but she pull me back.

"You say that you hate him.He is a cheater right.Why must you meet him.Why dont you let him die there!"Yoona yell at my face.

I burst into tears."No,I love him.I dont want he die like my mom and dad.I need him.I love him very much."I say and run out from the house.I even didnt wear my shoe.

I run to the park.I feel my leg is hurt and bleeding.I hear Yoona call my name but I ignore her.I m sorry V.I didnt mean to harm you.

I run until I arrive at the park."V!V!WHERE ARE YOU!I AM HERE!"I yell louder.

I cry harder."I love you V."I said.

"I love you too."Suddenly a pair of hand hug me from behind.

I shock and face him."V!"i hug him very thigh.He hug me back.

"Wait.You dont have any fever.Your body is normal."I say.

"Well this is Minzy and Yoona idea."V say .

"WHAT!You guys want to kill me.I am worried you know.I cry like crazy."I become mad.Yoona and Minzy,u guys are the best friend ever and Yoona is a best actor.

"You still love me dont you.Listen to me."V ask me to sit at the bench and tell me about Nana hug him at the mall that day.

"I m sorry.I m wrong.I suppose to believe you."I cry."Dont worry.I understand."He said and we hug again.

"Argh!"I yell in pain."Waeyo?"He ask me worried."My leg..its hurt."I say.

"BWOH!What have you done..your leg is bleeding."Without thinking he carry me in bride style way.I am blushing."I will take to your true house.Our house."He wink.Oh my,I love him.



Today I ask her to eat outside and I want to confess her.I love her very much and she is the best woman to be my wife.Yes,I want to marry her.

We walk together along the streets.Her feet had been heal.It is not a serious injury.

I want to bring her at the Levender Cafe.I want to purpose her there because she had tell me that cafe is her fav place.

I hold her hand and suddenly I didnt feel anything in my hand and I hear she is screaming.

I see two guys in black are tacking her into a black van.I try to attack them but I cant because I am alone.I kick one of them but the another man punch my stomach and its really really hurt.

"Oppa!Oppa!Help me!"I see Rin Ah scream and crying.But I cant get up."I will save you,my love."I see anything is black.

Next will be the last chapter.Stay tuned.Vote and comment.

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