Chapter 15 (Last)

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Rin Ah POV

I wake up for along sleep.Not sleep actually.I feel a pain at my hand.I cant see anything.There is something that close my eyes.My hand is tied at the back and I feel I am sitting on a chair.

Where I am?Where is V.Suddenly someone open the blanket that cover my eyes.My eyes hurt because there is a light infront of me.

When I can see clearly, I see Nana !
"You idiot!You are the one who bring me here.Let go of me!"i yell.

"Calm down you b***h."She slap me.I feel blood is flowing from my nose.

"It is your fault.If you not take V away from me,I will not waste my time to bring you here."She said.

"Why you must do this.If you want him,you can do in a good way.Not like this."I yell.

"Good way?You think he will like me even i use the good way."She walk towards me and pull my hair really hard.I scream in pain.

"I hate you!You are poor and ugly.Your parents died because of you.I think u should follow them!"She pull me harder.

I just cry.Maybe she is right.My parents die because of me.

Nana bring our a pistol.She about want to kill me.I eyes
"V,I love you very much.Mom,dad,wait for me there."I whisper to myself.

"Stop it Nana.Are you insane?!"I open my eyes an i see V.He is in mess and bleed.

"Oppa.Help me" I yell in happiness.He have come to save me.




I wake up and  I am on my bed.My head hurt so much.Rin Ah!I must save her.

"You are awake!Guys,V is awake."Jimin suddenly come.

Now,everyone is in my room.

"What happend?"Jungkook ask."we saw you lying beside the road yesterday.Nobody there when we saw you.You have many blood around your face."Rap Monster tell me.All of them look very worried.

"Where is Rin Ah?"J Hope hyung ask me.

"Too many question guys.Let him rest"Jin hyung is the best.

I told them everything that happend.


They shock while I am crying.

"Lets save her."Suga hyung say.
"I want to but I dont know where she is and who kidnapped her."I say and cry harder.

"Wait,dont you had put a detector at Rin Ahs phone."Jungkook say.

Yes,Jungkook right.I had put a detector at Rin Ah's phone so that I will know everywhere she go.How can I forget.

"Yes,thanks Jungkook."I open my phone and turn on my GPS.
I know where she is.

We go to the place.Waaa,many guards.Its not a big deal.We can handle them.

We are fighting with all of the guards."V!GET IN AND GET RIN AH.WE WILL HANDLE THEM."Jin hyung yell at me while punch the guard.

I quickly get inside the building and hiding.I see Rin Ah is tied on a chair and...

Nana!She is crazy.She want to kill my love!

I show myself and yell at Nana.
"Stop it Nana!Are you insane?!"I can see my love is hurt.

"V,I love you.Accept my love or I will kill her!"Again she direct her gun at Rin Ah.

"No please.Nana,dont do this.I know there is another man that better for you."I say.

"But I want you."

"I love Rin Ah.Not you!"I yell because I am angry right now.

"So I want to kill her.I live you V!"She about want to shot Rin Ah.

"Ok ok,I will do whatever u want but dont hurt her."I say and give up.

"Nana,listen to me.If you ask me to be your boyfriend,u think we both can be happy? Ilove her.If you really love me,you must let me go to see me happy with the one I love."I say.

Nana crying."ok then.Be happy u guys.Sorry for my mistakes goodbye."She said and....


She shot herself on her head and die.I run to Rin Ah and hug her very thigh.She cry on my chest.

"Shhh,I am here.sorry i late."I say.

"She is died."Rin Ah say.

"Not our fault.She choose it."I say.

"V,are u ok?"All of my hyung run toward me.All of them was really bad.Blood can see everywhere.

"She is died.She kill herself?Crazy girl."Rap Monster say.


Rin Ah POV

Now anything are turn to be as normal.
Nana is died.Jungkook is about to purpose Minzy.I dont know when V will do the same.

And..Yoona she is coupling with Jin oppa.I dont know how they know each other.

I sit on the bench at the park.I love park.

Suddenly there is someone close my eyes."Guess who."I know who it is.His voice is familiar.

"Oppa!"I say and he giggle.

"Darling.Wha are you doing."He ask and sit beside me."Nothing."I smile.

"Do u love me?"he ask me.

"What kind of question.Of course I do.I love you to the moon and back."I say.

He suddenly kneing infront of me.He pull ot something from his pocket and it is a ring

"Will you marry me?"He ask.
I cry for happines."yes i do."I say.He hug me and swept my tears.

Thank you,,thank you for give a happiness that I never feel.Saranghae V oppa......

The End

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