Chapter 13

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Please dont be a silent reader.Sorry but please vote and comment.This is my first fanfic so I need feedbacks from u guys.

Enjoy this chapter.


Rin Ah POV

"I...I.." What should I say?

"Please love me back.I love you."He said and make me want to cry.Oh,today I cry for many times.I burst into tears and he swept my tears with his thumbs.

"I would like to.You must take care of me."I said.

"Of course.You are my girlfriend now." He gives me his rectangular smile.He is cute.


Jungkook POV

I cry.I follow V hyung and I see he meet Rin Ah at the park.I hear what they say.Now Rin Ah is V hyung girlfriend.I hope he take a good care of Rin Ah.I love her so much but now I must try to forget her.

Why I cant figure it out early.They are bestfriend.I remember V hyung had tell me about his first love before this.He say that he likes a girl when he is on high school.But he left the girl because he must move to Japan.That girl is Rin Ah.Stupid me!

Now thay are couple.So I must not disturb them.

I feel dissapointed and walk to the Levender Cafe.I like go to Levender cafe.Maybe because it is the place where me and Rin Ah meet for the first time.

I take an empty place on the Levender cafe.

"May I take your order?"The waiter ask me.Her voice sound familiar.I look at her face.

"Minzy!"I almost yell.

"Oh,you.Jungkook."She said and smile.

Now I remember.She is Rin Ah's friend.She work here.

"Hey, lets hang out together."I ask.Oh,Kook.You had been so rush.

"Ok but you have to wait until I finish my work at 6 o clock.Can you?"She ask.

"Sure.So a cup of Cappuchino will be with me while I wait for you."I said and wink at her.

She smile shyly."A cup of cappuchino on the way."We both laugh.I feel weird.Same like what I feel when I with Rin Ah before.It is love?



1 weeks later....

I go to shopping with Rin Ah.Now all of my hyung know about my relationship with Rin Ah.We had told them everything.

They look shock accept Jungkook.But that kid seem like have something that he hide from us.

"Oppa,I want to go to the washroom.Wait for me here."Rin Ah say and make her aegyo face.

"Ok then.I will wait for you darling."She giggle and go to the washroom.

I wait for her while play with my phone.

Suddenly I feel a pair of hand close my eyes.I smile.

"Rin Ah,I know its you.Why u didnt go to the washroom yet darling."I said while smiling.

I push her hand slowly and face her.

"Nana?!What are you doing here?"I ask her.She is the one who close my eyes just now.Not Rin Ah.

"Why babe.You dont like to see me here.I love you~"Nana say and suddenly she hug me very very thigh.I cant even release my self from her.

"Nana.Dont do this.I love Rin Ah.She is my girlfriend."I say while try to push her slowly.I must be gentleman.

"I know.Please left her I love you."She beg.Oh she hug me more thigh.


She is looking at us!Oh my!!She has been misunderstand.She run away and cry.It hurts me a lot.

I push Nana very hard until he fall down."YOU DO IT ON PURPOSE!"I yell at her.No gentleman anymore.Everyone is looking at us but I ignore them and find Rin Ah.


Park Rin Ah POV

Its hurt me very much.Why he do this to me!

I walk to Yoona house.I miss her.Its been a long time I didnt meet her.I dont want to go to Minzy's house because I know Jungkook will know that I am there.Jungkook and Minzy are officially couple.She told me a few days ago.

I knock Yoona's house door.She open the door.Her eyes widen when she see me.

"Yah,pabo.I miss you Rin Ah.You not come to my house and even call me."Yoona hug me.She invite me get in her house.She is rich and live alone.Her parent live at America and she want to stand by herself.

I giggle."Yoona,I am sorry ok.I didnt mean to forget you."I say and smile.

"Why your face look pale.You had a teary eyes.Are you crying?"She ask me and look at my face.

"Can I stay in your house for a few days."I ask her."sure."She reply.

She show my room and let me borrow a few of her cloth.
I have a shower and go to sleep.I have no appetite to eat.

Sorry for typos,wrong spelling,wrong grammar.Vote and comment please.Please give me some feedback.Sorry.

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