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20 September 1998Raccoon City Police Department

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20 September 1998
Raccoon City Police Department


The pulsing headache only became unbearable for Jasper when he looked at the stack of papers placed on his desk. Just by looking at them made him want to throw up right there.

"Don't sulk about it, Park." Jasper felt a sudden hand on his shoulder, making him flinch. He turns my head just to see one of his team members—Elliot, behind him. "I know. You'd rather be doing something else than to sit on your ass and do this all day, but that's part of the job we signed up for," Elliot said.

"Yeah. I know," Jasper sighed as he leaned back against his chair to stretch his back. "It's just that... whoever invented paperwork was surely a pain in the ass."

Elliot chuckled. "I feel you, Jasper," he nodded in agreement. "Just don't think about it too much, OK? I'm sure you'll do just fine."

"Hey guys. Did you hear about the recent attacks?" A fellow member of their team came strolling to Jasper's desk. "A case about cannibalism. Pretty wild, right? I mean, you guys don't hear that kind of stuff around here now, right?" A look of disbelief was visible on his face.

Jasper had to agree with him. They never received those kind of crimes until now. It's crazy how weird and disturbing how in one moment, anything could happen and it always gives him chills.

"Ever since that... Mansion incident in Arklay occurred, these kind of things keep happening around here, which is very unusual," Jasper told Elliot. "Something's fishy going on, and I don't like it one bit."

"I'm sure it's just a nutcase that needs to be brought to justice," Elliot shrugs. "Besides, S.T.A.R.S is already taking care of it, so I think it'll be best if you don't get yourself involved with that." He gave him a pat on the shoulder before he left.

"Right. I guess you're right," Jasper nodded before he went back to finish his reports. But he still couldn't shake the feeling off of him that something evil is coming it's way.


After a hour went by, Jasper was finally done with his reports, which means that he was allowed to go home. He packed his things and swung his bag over his shoulder before leaving his desk. He said his goodbyes to the other officers as he walked by, then he spotted his lieutenant—Marvin Branagh—talking with the other officers.

"Lieutenant Branagh!" The detective called for him as he walked over to him, the other officers begin to leave as he arrived.

"Jasper, just the guy I wanted to see!" Marvin greeted him with a welcoming smile. "So... Did you do the reports I gave you?" He asked with his arms folded.

The raven-haired sighed. "Yes. Of course I did, Lieutenant."

"Good," he nodded, then he noticed the forced smile the detective had on his face. "I know, Jasper. Paperwork is boring, but it's mandatory. For everyone."

"I know, Lieutenant," Jasper nodded. "Also, have you... heard? About the most recent attacks that happened?"

The lieutenant hummed and nodded. "I did. It's nothing like I've ever heard before," he responded shaking his head in disbelief. "I mean, cannibalism... What kind of sick fucker would do something like that?"

Jasper shrugged, unable to answer his question. "I don't know, but hopefully, we'll be able to find some leads and figure out what the hell is going on," he said.

"I hope so too," Marvin nodded.

Jasper peered over the lieutenant's shoulder, staring at the door to the west office, where a few officers have entered. "Hey, so... are you guys done with whatever you're doing in the west office now?" He asked the man. "'Cause I would very much like to move back into my original desk there."

"Victor's already working on my last nerve this week," he added, recalling all the pranks he pulled on him ever since he moved into the east office.

The lieutenant lets out a small chuckle before he pats his shoulder. "Sorry Jasper, but you're gonna have to wait a little bit longer until we're done," he told the detective.

Jasper looked at him with confusion. It's been like that since last week and they keep having these smirks at their faces every time he passed by the door of the west office. "Seriously? You're still not gonna tell me what it is?" He questioned.

"Oh. Gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow, Jasper," Marvin dismisses the question as he walked away before Jasper could question him even further, making him sigh.

"Great. Just great," Jasper mumbled.


Jasper left the station with his car and drove home. A piece of music plays through the car at a low volume to keep him entertained. He quickly glanced at the charm hanging on the rear-view mirror, making him smile softly.

It was polaroid of him and his childhood best friend, Leon. Jasper met him when he moved into his neighborhood and they became friends ever since. They both share the same dream together; to protect those who can't protect themselves. They did everything together, and they were inseparable. That is until Jasper got recruited from the station, and left Leon at the academy alone. He made a mental note to himself to call him once he returns to his apartment.

Jasper was pulled out of his thoughts when he suddenly hears screaming from outside. He looked around and saw some citizens running in the opposite direction, which was strange. Then some stranger with a motorcycle passed by his car and broke the side-view mirror.

"Hey!" Jasper yelled as he rolled the car window down to peak his head out, the stranger kept riding his bike without a care. "The fuck was that about?" The raven-haired mumbled angrily under his breath.

"Hey!" He looked to his right and saw a girl with short blue hair. "You OK?"

"Yeah, but that asshole over there broke my mirror," Jasper responded as he stared at the broken mirror on the ground.

The girl nodded as she watches the people continuing to run. "Hey, do you know what's going on around here?" She asked the male.

"I don't know. Wish I knew," he shrugged before he went back into his seat. He jumped when a truck suddenly crashes through the girl's car, his eyes widen in shock when the truck kept crashing through the other vehicles on that lane.

Jasper quickly turned the gearshift and hit the pedal. He chased after the truck that was still driving, crashing through the other vehicles. He reached forward to grab the radio and hit the button.

"Lieutenant Branagh! This is Park! I've got a situation here!" He informed with a rushed voice. "There's a truck crashing through the citizens' vehicles on Warren's—"

Before Jasper could finish, the truck crashed into another and it began to fall on towards me. "Shit!" He cursed and quickly turned the wheel to the left. He managed to avoid getting crashed as the truck landed sideways, but he dropped his radio on the floor.

"Park! Park, I read you! What's your situation?!" Lieutenant Branagh responded to the radio. But before Jasper could do anything, he hears sirens and he turned his head to see two headlights blinding him.

Pain spread through his body as the ambulance rammed into the driver's seat. The impact was strong, his body jolted in his seat as the car spun around furiously. The car crashed into another, causing him to smack his head into the window. His ears rang and something warm trickled down the side of his head. The last thing he remembered was Lieutenant Branagh yelling over the radio for the detective before he blacked out.

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