Kickass First Day | 02

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Jasper sees Marvin sitting on the leather couch, his hand still clutching his stomach while his other hand was busy with the computer

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Jasper sees Marvin sitting on the leather couch, his hand still clutching his stomach while his other hand was busy with the computer. "Is it still bad?" He asked him, referring to his wound.

"Feels worse than you think," Marvin says weakly. Jasper offered to tend his wounds, but he waves him off. "There's no point, Jasper. Once you're bit, there's no chance of survival," he tells him and the raven-haired looks at him confused.

"What do you mean?" He inquired.

"People who get bit... will sooner or later turn into one of those things. Trust me: I've seen it happen before," Marvin clarified as he hissed in pain.

Jasper's heart dropped as soon as Marvin finished his sentence. "No. No, that's... that's not true," he shakes his head, not wanting to believe it.

"There's no cure to stop it, Jasper," Marvin grunts out, before he turns to the detective with a serious expression. "So as long as you both stay alive, you cannot get bit. Do you understand?"

Jasper hesitated for a moment before he responded with a firm nod. "Yes, sir."

Jasper hears footsteps approaching from behind him and he turned around to see Leon wearing the RPD uniform. He wouldn't be lying if he said that he looks good in it. "So... how is it?" Leon asked.

"Looks good," Jasper replied with a smile, before he turned back to the lieutenant. "So what do we do now, Lieutenant?"

"We find a way out of this station and get the hell out of Raccoon City," Marvin tells them. Suddenly, Jasper remembered the notebook Leon gave to him.

"Here," the raven-haired handed the notebook to Marvin. "This was from Elliot, he said that the way out is right here," he informed him, pointing at the drawing.

Marvin grabs the notebook and examines the drawing of the secret passage way. "Yeah, this could work," he nodded before he turns to them. "I'll see what I can do."

Jasper nodded before he stood up and walked over to where Leon was. "Hey," he simply greeted him.

"Hey," he returned the greeting.

"You all right?" Jasper asked him.

"Well, besides the mess we're in right now, I'm fine," Leon says, somewhat casually and Jasper nodded. "Does anyone know what started this?" He asked the lieutenant as he checks his gear.

"Not a clue," Marvin denied, watching the computer for movements carefully. "But honestly, all you need to know is that this place will eat you alive if you aren't careful."

"Yeah, well... I was supposed to start last week and I got a call to stay away," Leon mentioned. "I wish I'd come here sooner."

"You're here now, Leon," Marvin states. "That's all that matters."

Jasper checked his gear to make sure that he had everything he needed before nodding. "OK, Lieutenant, we're ready," he told the lieutenant as he and Leon walk up to him.

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