Back At The Station | 06

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A/N: So what do you guys think of Jasper and the story so far? I already have a couple of drafts in this book, but I wanted to perfect them before I could publish them

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A/N: So what do you guys think of Jasper and the story so far? I already have a couple of drafts in this book, but I wanted to perfect them before I could publish them. I'll be posting them soon and I'd appreciate it so much if you guys give me some feedback about this story and leave some comments too cuz I like reading them. Also, what do you think the ship name for Leon and Jasper should be? Lasper, Jeon, or Pennedy? Might sound corny but I'd like to hear some cool ideas for the ship name. Anyway, back to the story.


"Ugh... What in the world...?" Leon grimaced as he observed the corpse before asking the raven-haired. "Do you think you can lockpick this?"

"There's no key hole on this door and it's powered by electricity, so unfortunately, I can't," Jasper responded and Leon sighed at the inconvenience.

Jasper looked around the area they were in and spotted a power panel beside the cage. He examined it and noticed that there were two parts missing. "There's a power panel here, but some parts are missing," he informed the blonde.

Jasper turned more and found a desk where there was a piece of paper resting on it. He picked it up and began to read it. Leon looked at the desk and spotted a tool. He didn't know what it was for, but he decided to keep it with him for future uses.

"It says the power needs specific pieces, there's a few in the generator room and another in the clock tower," Jasper informed the cop.

"Any idea where to get to those places?" Leon asked.

"Let me see that map," Jasper said and Leon handed him the map that he found at the reception room. Jasper unfolded the map and searched for the room.

"Yeah. From what I remember, the generator room is on the other side of the station and the clock tower is on the third floor of the RPD building," Jasper informed, pointing at the locations on the map.

"OK," Leon nodded, processing all of the information for a moment before he looked at the man. "Should we go?"

"Yeah, we should," Jasper nodded as he folded the paper and gave it back to Leon. "It's better than staying here. God only knows where that thing could wander off..."

Leon nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'm not sticking around to find out."

The two made it past the long corridor of cells, through the door with the corpse, and into the parking garage. Once Leon went out first, Jasper shut the door behind him. "You said generator room is on the other side of the garage, right?" Leon asked.

"Yeah, there should be a door leading there," Jasper replied and Leon nodded before they jogged to the exit door, where the light above it flashed green.

Jasper took the lead and opened the door quietly, revealing a dark hallway with a red light barely illuminating the area. The two of them turned their flashlights on and scanned the area. To their right, there was another dark hallway.

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