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As the train left the tunnel, sunlight seeps through the windows

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As the train left the tunnel, sunlight seeps through the windows. Jasper opened the door and stepped out of the train, the sun blinded his eyes for a quick moment. As he slowly adjusted his eyes, he hopped off the train, the rest of the group following suit. "Wow..." he breathed out as he stared at the clear blue sky, "it's been a while since I've seen the sun."

Jasper inhaled the fresh air before releasing with a sigh. The air felt refreshing to breath in after his nostrils have sniffed so much sewage water and overwhelming chemicals from the lab. "It feels... peaceful."

"Yeah, it does," Leon replied.

"I'll second that," Claire added, giving Sherry a side hug.

"It's been over a week since I've been trapped in that hospital. It feels nice to feel that breeze again," Jasper said.

The group soaked themselves with warm rays and were allowed to fully enjoy the peaceful silence around them, dispelling the traumatizing events they had gone through in Raccoon City. Jasper couldn't help but smile.

After a while, Leon was the first to break the peaceful silence, "So... now what?" He looked over between Claire and Jasper.

"How about we start putting some miles between us and this place?" Jasper suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Claire nodded in agreement before the four of them start walking away from the train.

As the three of them walked down the highway nearby, Sherry was the first to speak up after walking for a good while, "So..." The little girl started, glancing at Leon and Jasper, "are you guys, like, dating or something?"

The two glanced at one another. Leon felt his cheeks reddened at the question and stuttered out, "O-Oh, uh... Us? Well, you see, we haven't really, um... I don't know. Are we, Jasper?"

Jasper chuckled at the blonde male's flustered state before answering, "I mean, that would've been one crazy first date, wouldn't it?"

"Uh—Yeah, it would," Leon admitted.

Claire smirked at the two men, a hand resting on her hip as she questioned, "Did I miss anything?"

"Probably a thing or two," Jasper simply responded as he and Leon glanced at each other, before looking away with a small blush.

Claire and Sherry giggled with a huge smile at the two, before Sherry spotted something in the distance. "Look!" She pointed, and the three young adults spotted a semi-truck. "He might be able to give us a ride."

Claire stared at the approaching vehicle as a doubtful feeling began to bubble inside her and turned to Leon. "What if it's not just the city?"

"Get Sherry outta here," Leon ordered.

Claire nodded before she held out her hand to Sherry. "Come on." She grabbed her hand and they went to hide into the tall grass by the road.

Leon and Jasper stepped out in the middle of the road. Their eyes narrowed as the large vehicle weaved to the right side of the road, honking the horn. As the truck drove past them, the driver stuck his hand out the window and flipped them off. The two men watched as the truck drove away. "Well, he was friendly."

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