Saving Ada | 09

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It had been a while since Ada left to chase after Annette

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It had been a while since Ada left to chase after Annette. Jasper was still sitting in the same position next to Leon, who was still resting on his shoulder with his jacket draped over his body. He gripped his gun tightly in case any threats come after them.

Jasper felt movement against his shoulder and sees that the male finally woke up. Leon opened his eyes groggily and the raven-haired heard him groan as he gained consciousness.

He watched him scan his surroundings and blink in slight confusion before he remembered where he was. Jasper smiled at his confused expression. "Hey."

Leon turned to him and his eyes widened as he realized the position he was in before he sat up quickly. "Jasper? You're still here?" Leon asked weakly.

"Well, of course. I didn't want to leave you," Jasper answered softly.

Leon remembered the situation and looked at his shoulder and found it bandaged. Then he found Jasper's leather jacket placed on top of his body before turning back to the male.

"I just thought that you needed it since you were a bit cold," Jasper explained before the cop could ask.

"Oh," Leon replied before glancing around and realized Ada was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Ada?"

"She went after Annette," Jasper answered, glancing at the large air vent where Ada climbed into.

Leon lets out a groan as he pushed himself up. Jasper reached forward to support him and advised, "Hey, take it easy. You're still hurt, remember?"

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me," Leon reassures him. Jasper wasn't convinced by the blonde, but knowing how stubborn he was, he helps him up to his feet. "We have to go find her."

"Yeah," Jasper replied somewhat bitterly but Leon didn't notice.

Leon grabbed the leather jacket and silently handed back it to Jasper. The raven-haired looked down at the jacket before turning to the blonde and asked, "You sure you don't need it?"

"You need it more than me. I'll be fine," Leon said and Jasper grabbed his jacket before putting it back on. "Besides, I wouldn't want you to catch a cold."

Jasper chuckled at his words before notifying him, "I'll remember this."

Leon couldn't help but smile at the detective before he followed him. "Here. We can use this," Jasper pointed at the machine in the corner of the room.

"Up we go then," Leon said with a playful tone as he and Jasper stepped onto the platform. Jasper pressed the button and they began to ascend to the upper floor.

They arrived at the second floor, quickly exiting the lift to find a stairway up ahead, leading down. Leon followed Jasper since the detective insisted on taking the lead. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they peered down over the railing, only to see sewage water waiting below.

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