Escape | 12

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A/N: Last chapter! I might do an epilogue later on after this

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A/N: Last chapter! I might do an epilogue later on after this. Of course, I'll be doing a second book for this during RE4 as well!

As Leon and Jasper stepped off the lift, they saw Annette grasping her side, blood seeping through her pale blue shirt. "Jesus, that looks bad," Leon commented on her state as he kneeled beside her.

"Feels worse, believe me," Annette said with a strained voice.

"Look, about what you said... I don't know how much I believe it, but I'm willing to—"

Annette interrupted Leon, "Just tell me you'll destroy that G sample."

"Why should we? That thing's evidence," Jasper interrogated the woman, crouching in front of the woman to talk at eye level.

"Yeah. It's going to the FBI," Leon added.

Annette lets out an cough and narrowed her eyes at the two men. "You trust that bitch?"

Both Leon and Jasper reeled back, confused by the woman's response. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"She's not FBI, she's a mercenary," Annette informed the two. Jasper's eyes widened in bewilderment at the news while Leon's expression dropped. "She's gonna sell it—The G-Virus is gonna go to the highest bidder."

Leon stood up and spat, "That's bullshit."

"I hope you're right..." Annette responded with a pained expression as she leaned to the side. "But if the G-Virus... gets into the wrong hands..." Before she could finish her sentence, her head hit the floor. She let out a breath before her chest stops rising, and her body went limp.

Jasper and Leon stood around for a moment, completely in disbelief to accept the truth. Jasper could tell that it was hitting Leon harder, for he knew he genuinely cared about Ada. Jasper did too, but not as much as Leon did. Reluctantly, he broke the silence, "Leon. If what she said was true, then we can't let Ada get a hold of the sample."

It was clear that Leon didn't agree (or didn't want to) as he went to argue, "But she's—"

Jasper interrupted him and stated, "She was dying, Leon. What else does she have to lie about?"

Leon fell silent for a moment, unable to respond to him. He knew he was right, but he didn't want to accuse Ada just yet. "I guess we'll have to learn the truth soon enough."

"Attention: Self-destruct sequence initiated. Use the central elevator to evacuate immediately to the bottom-level train platform."

The automated voice echoed throughout the large room. Jasper grasped the cop's arm and urged him, "Come on. We don't have much time, we gotta go."

They walked back through the decontamination room (getting soaked instead) and made it back to the main shaft. When they arrived there, they spotted the familiar figure in a red dress. "Ada!" Jasper called her, grabbing her attention as she began to approach them.

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