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Leon and Jasper arrived back at the garbage room gate, pulled the lever, and awaited for the door to open

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Leon and Jasper arrived back at the garbage room gate, pulled the lever, and awaited for the door to open. "Come on," The cop grumbled impatiently before he ducked down under the moving gate, Jasper followed behind him shortly.

"Where could she be?" Jasper muttered, entering the foul smelling room.

"Ada! Ada, where are you?!" Leon shouted.

"Over here!" Ada called back.

They spotted a few drops of blood and rushed towards the voice, finding Ada lying on the floor. "Ada... we were getting worried for a sec..."

"Ada, your leg!" Jasper gasped, eyeing on the sharp object embedded into her thigh.

"I can't get it out," Ada admitted, poorly concealing the pain dripping from her voice.

Leon was reluctant about removing the shard from Ada's leg, fearing she would bleed out. "I don't know if I should, uh..."

"Just do it. I can't walk like this," Ada hissed and looked away from the blonde.

"OK... It's gonna hurt," Leon said, before reaching down to grab the shard, and hastily pulled it out of her skin. Ada groaned and Leon threw the shard to the side. "Hold on... Jasper, you still have some supplies left?"

"Yeah, here," Jasper nodded and handed the gauze and the bottle of alcohol to Leon. He watched as the cop puts a dab of alcohol on the pad before he went to press it against her leg.

Ada reached out, "I can do it myself."

"Just... relax, OK?" Leon reassured her as he pressed the bandage against Ada's injured leg.

Jasper blinked at the bitter feeling that sunk into his stomach before looking away from the scene, knowing that it'll upset him even more. He knew he was jealous. Jealous that Leon was so close to Ada.

But Leon's just helping her, like he helped him with his shoulder, so what's there to be jealous of? It's not like Ada has any feelings for Leon or anything, right?

"So... what do we do now?" He heard Leon ask the woman as he wrapped the gauze around the bandage.

"Get yourselves out of here. While you still can," Ada looked into Leon's eyes, worried for the two companions.

"We're not just going to leave you. Not like this," Leon said, taken back by her words.

If those words didn't feel like he was twisting the knife deeper into Jasper's chest, he didn't know what did.

Ada shook her head and sighed. "You don't understand. The situation's worse than I thought."

"You're not getting rid of us that easy... "You protected us. Now it's our turn," Leon declared, the two looking into each other's eyes. The close contact made Jasper want to punch a wall right now, but instead, his hand curled into a fist and he clenched it tightly.

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