Lickers | 04

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"Uh, Marvin

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"Uh, Marvin. We've got a situation here..." Jasper spoke to his communicator, staring at the zombies gathering at the gate, throwing their bodies against the wiring. "We're surrounded by zombies!"

He waited for the lieutenant to respond, but all he heard was static, which quickly made Jasper concern for the lieutenant's well-being. Leon silently listened to the conversation as he was also concerned. "Marvin, do you copy? Marvin?" It was dead silent and Jasper knew the reason why. "Oh no..."

He snapped back to reality as the zombies began to hiss and growl at the duo. "We gotta go. Who knows how long this gate will hold," Jasper said with a rushed voice.

Leon nodded before grabbing the bolt cutters, cut the chain on the door, and opened it. The moment they reentered the building through the exit, the window shattered and a zombie crawled through. Leon whipped out his gun and shot it through the head, before it flopped against the bloody tile floor.

They suddenly hear another growl from their right, another zombie was trudging towards them with a groan. Jasper whipped out his gun and shot it twice in the head before it was completely lifeless.

"Come on." Leon used the bolt cutters to cut the chain off another door. He pushed the door open and to his surprise, a zombie almost pounced at him.

"Leon!" Jasper yelled. Luckily, the blonde's reflexes acted quickly as he grabbed the zombie's shoulders before it could take a chomp out of him and pushed it back. Jasper quickly pulled his knife out and kicked the zombie's knees before stabbing it in the head, making it go limp.

Leon panted as he stared at the corpse before another growl was heard from across the room immediately caught their attention. Another zombie in uniform was trudging towards them. Leon shot it through the head before it flopped to the ground. "Shit, they're everywhere," Jasper stated.

The two of them made their quick search around the east office. Leon searched the main office while Jasper searched the desks. There wasn't anything useful for him, until he went over to his desk as he remembered that it provided some ammo in the drawers. He opened the drawer to grab the ammo before he closed it.

However, his eyebrows furrowed when he spotted a flash grenade on his desk. He assumed that one of the officers have left it before their passing, so he decided to grab it.

"Did you find anything?" He hears Leon ask from the main office as he walked over to him. "I found some herbs, some gunpowder, and this fuse," he told his companion, showcasing the fuse in his hand. "I saw a power box down the hall when I first went over here, it was also missing one.

"OK, that should be useful," Jasper nodded. "I found some ammo and a flash grenade as well." He gave the flash grenade to Leon and he puts it in his pocket. "It's best if you hold on to it."

Jasper pulled the chair stacked with boxes that blocked the double doors and pushed it aside. The moment he opened it the doors, a large zombie grabbed him and tried to bite his neck. He yelped as he struggles to fight it off. Thinking quickly, Jasper whipped his knife out and stabbed the zombie's skull, making it flop against the floor.

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