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Leon S

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Leon S. Kennedy, we're putting you on a very special case for your first assignment.

Your mission is... to unlock your desk! The key to your success is in the initials of our first names. Input the letters in order of our desks. There are 2 locks—1 on each side of your desk. Make sure you get them both.

Basically, your first task is to remember your fellow officer's names, but you figured that much, right?

Good luck, Leon.

By the way, it might take a little work to get Scott to give you a straight answer.

Lieutenant Branagh

"Okay, so what we need for the code is the first initials of their names," Leon informed Jasper as he reread the note to him.

"All right, how about I stand by the lock while you go figure what to put in." Leon nodded at his command and started searching through the desks for the names of the officers that sat there.

"OK, so it's N, E, and... D?" Leon questioned himself on the last one. However, it worked. The lock opened and the two friends moved to the other side quickly. "For this one, it's M, R, and G." Another lock opened.

Leon quickly rushed over to Jasper after both locks were opened. "After you," Jasper insisted for Leon to open, making the blonde crack a smile.

Leon opened the cover of his desk to reveal a high-capacity magazine that he could connect to his gun. The blonde picked it up quickly as Jasper watched him solemnly connect the metal part to his gun.

"So this is what they were up to this entire time," Jasper spoke. "Guess that explains why Marvin ordered me to move into the east office."

"How did the station learn about us?" Leon questioned.

Jasper scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I... may or may not have talked about you with Marvin and Elliot a couple times. They were the only ones that knew about you and your training at the academy. But of course; news travels fast around here, so the next day at work, the whole station knew," he explained, before realizing how weird that sounded. "I'm sorry, that was so stupid—"

"No, it's not stupid," Leon quickly reassures him. "I should probably thank you for that."

Jasper's eyes widens in shock. "Why?"

"Maybe it was your story that convinced them to let me join this team," the blonde smiled gently at him, causing Jasper to crack a smile.

"Yeah. Thank, I guess," Jasper nodded. "Should we head out now?"

Now Leon had completed his first assignment and stayed quiet as he gazed down at his gun with a thoughtful expression. "Yeah, let's go," he replied before walking over to the door. Leon paused and turned around to look at his companion for a moment before he spoke. "We've got each other, right?"

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