Into The Sewers | 08

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Jasper slid the keycard into the machine, unlocking the gate

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Jasper slid the keycard into the machine, unlocking the gate. As it opened, Ada crouched under the barrier, Leon and Jasper followed behind her shortly.

The three of them walked up the slanted road, Leon lagging behind as his body was still sore from being thrown across the room like a ragdoll. Jasper kept looking back at the cop, concerned for his well-being, but Leon kept reassuring him that he'll be fine. Jasper wasn't convinced, but he brushed it off for now.

They reached the top of the slant and traveled down the street, rain pelting and soaking through their clothes. The detective saw the short-haired woman had finished listening to the recorder he had given her and questioned, "Is that the intel you needed?"

"Unfortunately, no. Ben didn't come through," Ada denied.

"So, what exactly are you looking for?" Leon inquired as he catches up to stick to Jasper's side.

"More info on the people responsible for this mess," Ada answered before glancing over at the two males. "What about you guys? Trying to save the world?"

"We told Lieutenant Branagh we'd bring help," Leon replied as they walked down the street.

"Good luck getting that..." Ada responded.

They reached the end of the road, seeing how it had collapsed downwards, leaving them with a dead end. "Road's out," Jasper notified, leaning over to observed the damaged area. "We'll have to find another way."

"Going through that gun shop looks like the only way," Ada pointed at the shop to their left.

Jasper noticed the blue illuminated sign that was in the shape of a gun with the words "GUN SHOP KENDO" were next to the gun. The detective quickly realized who owned this place. Wherever he was, he hoped that he was OK. "Well, we better get to it then."

Ada approached the double doors and crouched down before lockpicking it. The two males waited for her until she successfully unlocked it. She pushed them open, revealing everything inside the gun shop to be in disarray. Displays were knocked over and debris was scattered across the floor. "What a mess..."

Jasper and Leon stepped inside and scanned the interior of the shop. "Looks like this place had been ransacked. Maybe we can still find some ammo," Jasper said.

"Good idea," Leon agreed before he separated from Jasper and Ada.

As the cop was scavenging around the shop, he found a couple of opened boxes of shotgun shells and a handful of handgun ammo. "Might wanna give these to Jasper later," he whispered under his breath before pocketing the ammo in his hip pouch. When he spun around to search for Ada and Jasper, he froze in his spot when he came face to face with a barrel of a shotgun pointed at his face.

"Don't move," a man holding the weapon commanded.

"I'm not going to hurt you—"

"I said DON'T MOVE!" The man snapped at him while tugging back on the fore-end.

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