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Swinging the door open, the hallway was dimly lit with a couple of bright lights in the corners of the hall

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Swinging the door open, the hallway was dimly lit with a couple of bright lights in the corners of the hall. Turning a corner, there was a door to the server room, but they couldn't gain access to it since there was no power, so they moved on.

Leon's light traced the wall, where a long streak of blood was splattered onward. Leon and Jasper gave each other nervous glances before continuing further.

The small source of light they'd seen from the hall was coming from the vending machine tucked into the far corner, barely illuminating the next area they were in. The room was in disarray, mutilated corpses were sprawled all over the floor, and there was blood splattered all over the walls.

Leon shines the light around to investigate. In the middle of a the room, there was a small table with a golden object that caught his attention. It was trophy in the shape of a DNA helix. He picked it up and showed it to Jasper before asking, "Do you think this has anything on it?"

"Well, if it doesn't belong in the right place, then there must be something important," Jasper said as he examined the trophy. He flipped it over and spotted something written on it. "Here. You see it?"

Leon looked at the pattern below the trophy and nodded. "Yeah, I see it. That must be another code for the greenhouse."

"I think so too," Jasper agreed.

With the code memorized, Jasper and Leon decided to continue. Just as they reached down the hall, the sound of metal bending came from above, followed by a feral growl that made them jump. A creature came down from the vents and landed in front of them. It was the same creature they encountered at the station—a licker.

"Jasper!" The licker screeched as it jumped and pinned Jasper to the ground. He quickly fished out a grenade, shoved it into the licker's mouth, and kicked it off of him. Leon grabbed his shotgun and fired at the grenade. An explosion erupted, along with a screech of pain coming from the creature.

Before one of them could experience the feeling of relief, a screech sounded as another licker came down from the vent. Jasper grabbed his shotgun and shot the monster in midair as it tried to pounce at them. It cried out in pain and scrambled away. Leon fired another two rounds at its head before successfully killing it.

Leon and Jasper panted heavily as they eyed on the deceased creatures sprawled on the floor, before they finally let out a sigh of relief. Leon puts his shotgun away before rushing to Jasper. "You OK?"

"Yeah," Jasper nodded as Leon helped him up to his feet. "Never thought I'd see one of these things again."

"I couldn't agree more," Leon agreed, eyeing on the two deceased lickers.

They decided to continue as they walked through the door at the end of the hall. Swinging it open, it revealed another dark, eerie hall. Leon led the way with his flashlight and found another door that led to a stairwell. A groan sounded from the corner of the room and a zombie slowly stood up. Leon quickly shot it, making it flop to the floor before they began to walk up the stairs.

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