Tyrant | 07

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"RUN!" Jasper grabbed the cop's hand and dragged him out of the hallway

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"RUN!" Jasper grabbed the cop's hand and dragged him out of the hallway. Behind them, they could hear the figure stomping after them. He wasn't running after them, but since he was so tall, it was like he was speed walking.

They entered the rain once more and pushed the door closed. They backed away to avoid the creature, their hands still attached.

The door slammed open and the detective was given a better look at the figure's appearance in the moonlight. It had grayish skin that was wrinkly. It was wearing a black trench coat and black pants. The top of its head was covered with a black fedora.

Seeing that giant stomping towards the detective, Leon pulled out his pistol and fired a couple of rounds at the creature's shoulder, but the bullets weren't enough to stop him. "Shit!" He cursed.

The giant changed his target towards Leon and grabbed his head with his hand, lifting him off the ground. The cop tried to escape under its grip, but he was no match for the creature's strength.

"Let go of him!" A gunshot rang and a bullet hit the giant's head, forcing it to drop Leon. Only his hat fell off, but the shell did no damage to his skull. Leon scrambled up to his feet and regrouped with the detective. "We're gonna have to make a run for it!" Jasper said.

"Good idea!" Leon shouted, watching the giant stomp towards them threateningly fast.

"Go!" Jasper took the initiative and pulled his hand forward.

Together, they sprinted around the giant, dodging the fist that tried to swing at them. They made it past the door and dashed through the hall. They could still hear the loud footsteps approaching them from behind. They made it back to the main hall on the second floor so they run down the stairs, only to hear the same loud footsteps coming from the door they exited.

Jasper quickly looked around for a spot to hide. "Here!" He whispered as he pulled Leon behind him. The two stood straight behind a large pillar, one that was hiding them from the creature's view as it stomped down the stairs.

Its loud footsteps were like thunder, a warning for what would happen if it caught them. Leon shuts his eyes in fear as he heard the giant stomping around a few feet away from them. Jasper squeezed the cop's hand tightly in order to calm him down.

The two held their breaths, hoping that the creature would pass by now. Luckily, it didn't see them as it was eventually leaving the area. The duo didn't move from their spot until they heard its roaring footsteps fading in the distance. They let out a big sigh of relief once they knew it was safe.

"Jesus. What the hell was that thing?" Leon inquired.

"I don't know," Jasper admitted. "But I'm definitely not staying here with that thing."

"I still need to unlock the door with the key you found," Leon notified. "Do you think it... went back from where we came from?"

"I don't think so. But we might as well do it fast before it catches us again."

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