10 Days Later... | 01

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30 September 1998Spencer Memorial Hospital

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30 September 1998
Spencer Memorial Hospital


The throbbing in Jasper's head slowly came back to him as he woke up. He groaned in pain as he tries to recall what happened. His limbs protested as he sluggishly tries to find the strength to sit up on the hospital bed.

"What...? Where am I?" Jasper mumbled as he lifts his hand to rub his forehead. He hissed in pain when he felt a sting on the side of his head. He touched it again with more care and he felt a bandage. It felt like someone had stitched it.

An IV was in his right hand. Memories of the car accident flooded in his mind. He looked around the poorly lit room to see if anybody was in the room with him, but he only saw a bouquet of flowers next to the bed with a card. The flowers looked like they have been here for a while because of the petals hanging on the stems. He picked up the card so he could read it.

Wake up soon

"Hello? Marvin? Elliot? ...Anybody?" Jasper tried to call for help for anyone who could possibly hear him, but weirdly enough, he got no response.

Jasper looked at the monitor machine on his left and saw that the power was off, making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion. He wondered why they turned the machine off. Did they think that he wasn't going to make it?

Jasper decided to carefully take the heart monitors off of him. (A/N: Idk what they're called) He swings his legs over the edge of the bed while using the IV stand for support as he stood up. He groaned in pain and staggered a bit, but with the help of the stand, he regained balance quickly. "Shit. How long was I out for?" He mumbled to myself.

He realized that he was wearing a hospital gown and the back part of it isn't doing a good job of covering his behind. He saw some clothes that are nicely folded on top of a white table. He slowly dragged himself to the table and quickly changed into the spare clothes they gave him, which consisted of underwear, a grayish-purple tank top, a black leather jacket, a pair of denim jeans and his combat boots. He pulled out the empty IV after he was done, wondering why the nurses never changed the bag.

He checked the time before putting his jacket on. It was 7:45 P.M. It wasn't that late so there should be some nurses still hustling around, right?

Jasper headed over to the door and pulled the handle. When he opened it, there was an empty bed in the way. "The hell...? Why would they block the door like this?" He wondered, before he pushed the bed out of the way and stepped out of the room.

"Hello? Doctors? Nurses?" He called out through the empty hallways, hoping to find somebody and get some answers. "Is anybody here? I-I need a little help!"

It was quite. Too quite for a hospital even. Jasper looked around and saw a bunch of papers being littered all over the floor. The lights were very dim and he could barely see anything. "Looks like these people might need more help than I do," he whispered.

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