Chapter 1

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A disclaimer: I have not finished RDR2 so I am basing it off of the first half of the game, and going off on my own tangent. Another thing is I do not own this beautiful game, this is by rockstar, but I'm thankful to write this story. I also want to clarify that I will be using I/I'm/ Myself pronouns because it's easier for me to tell the story from your point of view in a 1st person point of view, and find it easier for you to insert yourselves into the story. I also use Yn instead of Y/n, but it's the same thing, just easier to type.

I was riding through dust, dust, and more dust. I would eventually make it to valentine, that tiny stockyard town known for it's muddy roads, crooked people, and strong horses.

My father was initially against my going. He knew it was dangerous and my mom just about fainted, but I've learned to take care of myself, and by 24, I damn near won the ability to leave for my own. However, I wanted to help my folks out. They needed the money, and since I had a pair of useful hands, I figure I can get them what they need to prevent the wading of loan sharks.

I may be a younger girl, and this may be a problem with many men, but I'm a capable and independent gal. My daddy taught me to shoot, I knew how to cook, clean, and shoot a gun. I could handle myself, it was just a small town, how much danger could possibly be there.

I slowed down seeing the early morning mist surrounding the old red buildings rising in the horizon in front of me. I steer forward and trot down the main street. Town called Valentine.

"Hello mister!" I wave, he grunts.

"Hiya ladies." I smile, they wave me off. My smile drops, tough crowd I guess. I steer right and tie my horse up. I press my hand against her nose and rub it,

"Just for a little bit ole gal." I pat my beautiful golden brown horse, Dana. She neighs in return, shooing me off.

I walk down the road to see an old saloon. I press the heavy swinging doors to find everyone looking at me. the pianist even stopped and tipped his glasses down to get a good look at this apparent stranger.

I tip my hat. I walk in a bit and the music resumes. I walk up to the bar and sigh,

"Just a shot of whiskey please." I ask. The bartender nods. I watch the dark transparent liquor pour from the aged glass bottle into my little cup.

"So what goes on around in these parts?" I ask the bartender.

"You must be new here lass" He scoffs.

"What do you mean?" I say swirling my glass of pungent, strong liquor.

"I mean you stick out like a sore thumb. Not much typically goes on around here, but you yourself is new to us." He mentions.

"Such as what?" I inquire.

"Well often our ladies don't order whiskey, and most certainly don't wear pants." He gestured to my black jeans.

"Functionality always suited me more than style I reckon." I said. He wondered off, I clicked the glass to the table before downing the liquor than left a bit of burn down my throat. I glanced around the room, their were women with particularly low cut blouses that pretty much put their breasts on full display, prostitutes I presume. There were men in the corner, a barber in the back, and a poker table. I get off my stool and head toward the men,

"Gentleman, may I join y'all?" They look up at me,

"Sure I don't see why not, 2.50 $ start out." One man grunted. I plop the money down and he gives me some chips. 2 cards were passed to everyone. I look up, a king and an ace spade. I bet 4 cents. They follow suit, they lay out 3 cards, a 3 heart, a 10 diamond, and an ace heart. One bets to raise it by 20 cents, I oblige and the other throws in the chips. They fold out the other two adding yet more money. We flip our cards to reveal my 2 pairs, I embrace all the cold chips with my arms as a pool it into my growing pile, I smirked.

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