Chapter 7

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I hear the chirps of the morning birds, the sun shining through the flap of my tent. I reach for the lopsided ceiling, popping my back. I roll over to see an old tattered letter. To my greatest curiousity, I opened it. 

Heya honey,

It's been a while since you visited us, I hope you're gettin out there and seein the world god gave us. Your room sometimes is an absence that makes my heart sigh, but I know you're a grown woman and needed to get out. It'd make me happy if you could return my letter at least, I'd like to at least know you're okay. You're mother and I both worry for yah often. Write soon if you can, okay babygirl?


Dan Ln.

You sigh at the letter. A wave of nostalgia crashed upon you like a massive wave in a big ocean's storm. It made your heart ache with guilt and loss. You folded up the letter. You decided to write one in return.

Dear Daddy,

It's been a while I know. I'm okay! I'd made some good money in Valentine! And I'm still in and out of work. I've met several friends that treat me like family, so it's not bad here at all. I miss you both so much every day. I don't have much to report so I'm keeping this short, but I love you both dearly.


Yn Ln

 I sigh. I really did miss them too. Part of myself just wanted to run back home again. I knew it wouldn't get me anywhere in life though. I dragged my tongue across the envelope and decided to slip it in your little bag. You'd mail this soon.

I decide to get up and dress in some blue jeans and a yellow collared shirt, tied together. I step out shielding myself from the first harsh embrace of the bright sun. I see the smoke simmering from last nights fire. Javier's guitar sitting promptly against a log.

I stalk over to it and hold it up. I look out to the rolling hills of grass, flowing peacefully in the wind, your hair catching the breeze following right behind your every move. You proceeded outside of camp a ways and plopped yourself in the downward slope of a hill. You strum the chords in the first time in several years. You remember back as a child, and your dad was holding it in front of you, firmly sitting on his knee, as he played along. Eventually your fingers reached where his could, and a sweet tune rang out from the belly of the guitar from your precious fingers.

You strummed a quick A major, then an A7, then a C. Eventually you began formulating a chord structure. Rotating between the chords you recalled a beautiful lullaby your dad sang to you back in your old little room with that bed that had slightly chipped white painted wood. He'd sit atop your white dresser as he sung in his sultry voice.

You truly felt at peace, and the world around you, the horses, deer, birds, people, hunters, fishers, and even your own camp not 100 feet away just disappeared. It was simply just you, the flowing grass that tickled your elbows, and the puffy clouds that littered the sky. You continued to strum and sing keeping your eyes closed, as you've memorized the alive world around you.

Eventually coming to the end you had opened your eyes and sighed.

"Wow....I had no idea you could sing." An all too familiar rough voice had spoken. I turned around sharply,

"A-Arthur?!" I jumped as if he were a ghost.

"Sorry, saw yah out here, never knew you played the guitar or sang." He said bewildered.

"Yeah...heheh, my daddy taught me." I say, unable to look him in the eye.

"Was he a player?" He asked curiously.

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