Chapter 10

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The light pierced through the fabric of my tent and hit my eyes way earlier than I would've liked. I groan.

I rolled back over, but I knew I had to get up. I look at an old hand mirror to see the bags under my eyes had grown quite ugly. Layered and as purple as grapes. I noticed a leaving bruise across my neck. How the hell am I gonna come up with some kind of excuse to hide it?

I decide to throw on a blue blouse with black jeans and blue boots. I decide to wear my neck handkerchief tied loosely to take the attention off. I was clearly in style.

I exit my tent to have my morning coffee with Hosea. He made it knowing I'd be up. He flattered me.

After waking up a little more, I begin to brush and feed Dana. 

"Sorry girl, I need to really look after you better than I have as of lately." You sigh. 

"Don't drag Dana with." I heard a low voice belt out. I turn around to see the one and only.

"Oh Arthur! How are you this morning?" I ask.

"Well enough, feel mostly recovered, but the shoulder is still a bit sore." He rolled it around a bit.

"Good good. Glad to see." I comment, hoping up on Dana. He follows suit,

"So uh...I just wanted to thank you."

"What for?"

"Well...I know you'd been watching me for most of that night." He admitted.

"Grimshaw would."

"That and well...I was in and out, I could see you some you know?" He reminded.

 "Oh. Whoops." I chuckled half-heartedly.

"I's even saw you passed out cold, book in the lap." He chuckled.

"Guilty...Don't worry about it really...I was just worried."

"Bout me?"

"No, I was worried about Bill actually." I sarcastically retorted. He chuckled.

"Watch it wise ass."

"Are you one to speak?" I eyed him he shook his head,

"I reckon you got a point."

We had continued forth and eventually we were heading north, passing south of Valentine on our way to strawberry.

"So...What are we out to do on this mission?" I asked.

"Well, I have to make a pit stop down for a debtor, owed us a lot of money. But our main work in strawberry is just left of it, I'm lookin for a legendary buck and if we're lucky, a small mouth bass." He mentioned.

"Oh! Huntin and fishin....sounds more relaxing than what I was thinkin." I nod.

"What exactly were yah thinkin?"

"Well I thought you'd take me to rob somethin if I'm bein honest." I chuckled.

"Nah, I've seen you recently, that's all you've been doin. I figure we can support the camp a lil more legally this time, give you a break. Those eyes don't look to good." He mentioned.

"I s'pose not...Alright then Arthur, lets go relax some." I smile. We pulled by a ranch and we hopped off the horses. There was a small little farm there with a quaint, small ranch house and  a small bed of corn bein tended to by an unknown individual.

"That's gotta be our man." Arthur stated stalking up to him, I ran to keep up.

"Thomas Downes!" Arthur Roared. there was a faint yelp,

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